U.S. Marines attached to Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response-Central Command, conduct a a tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel exercise at an undisclosed location, Southeast Asia, Dec. 9, 2018.  This exercise further honed the unit’s skills as a force ready to deploy instantly anywhere in theater for…

USAF and Directed Energy

Air force Strategic Development Planning and Experimentation conduct an experiment looking at the use of lasers and high-powered microwave against small unmanned systems. WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, NM, UNITED STATES 10.25.2018 Video by John Hamilton  White Sands Missile Range Public Affair

HMAS Ballarat Completes First Patrol

In an article by LEUT Todd Fitzgerald and published by the Royal Australian Navy on December 15, 2018, the HMAS Ballarat completion of its first patrol in the Middle East was discussed. Over seven days, the Australian warship conducted joint operations with the United States Coast Guard and the Iraqi and Kuwaiti…

One Mean Aircraft

The F-35C Lightning II is the Navy's aircraft carrier version of the new joint strike fighter now in the hands of a select few naval aviators.  One pilot tells us why and how this aircraft is the baddest airplane on a carrier. 01.04.2019 Video by Robert Buchwald  Defense.gov         

Directed Energy Solutions for Counter-UAS

Air Force experimentation on White Sands Missile Range with the use of high-powered microwave and laser systems to shoot down small unmanned aircraft. WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, NM, UNITED STATES 10.25.2018 Video by John Hamilton  White Sands Missile Range Public Affairs

HMAS Ballarat in the Middle East

Ballarat’s first patrol is part of a nine-month rotation that will see her cover 3.2 million square miles of international waters on a mission to contribute to the maritime security and stability of the region.  This is the 67th rotation of a Royal Australian Navy ship in the Middle East…