The Rapid Identification and Intervention Cells

R2IC and R2IC.HQ Function The Rapid Intervention and Identification Cell is a integrated mobile unit built in a tailor made vehicle. These cells make it possible for a quick intervention by rapid deployment into zones contaminated by a CBRN. Benefits Equipped with specialised apparatus, these cells make it possible…

The Bi-Expandable Decontamination Module

BEDM Function : The BEDM is dedicated to safe mass decontamination of mobile (80 to 120hour) or incapacitated contaminated individuals (9 to 21/hour), depending the confiuration chosen and when in optimum use. Benefits : Its solid structure (20 ft air transportable expandable container) can be entirely decontaminated & easily installed…

The Water Storage & Conditioning Module

WSCM Function : This module is intended for storage, cooling and conditioning of the drinking water produced, for its distribution and its consumption. Benefits : Conditioning constitutes the last link in the chain and must also meet the requirements of the rules of hygiene and regulations. The MSCE process of…

E.T.I. Team

The Equipment for Technological Intervention Team (E.T.I. Team) Function : This Equipment makes it possible a Technological Intervention Team (T.I. Team) CBRN incident. The detachment is armed with specific materials making it possible to ensure the following functions : To delimit the zone of intervention. To carry out surveys and…

Nuclear And Radiological Threats Detection Solutions

From Early Warning To Identification A White Paper By Mirion Technologies Since the second half of the XXth century, the nuclear threat has been - and still remains - one of the major threat in terms of  weapons of mass destruction which armed forces have been prepared to face. More…