Cyber Diplomacy: Coincidence or Strategy at the Copenhagen Conference

Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen with his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao (Photo: China Daily, 12/17/2009) The Chinese strategy at the Copenhagen conference has been discussed in Hal Malmgren’s article entitled "Copenhagen Dynamics: A Window into 21st Century Geo-Politics". In effect, the Chinese wanted neither to be blamed for any failure of…

Israel-NATO Rapprochement on Logs

By Franck Znaty ([email protected]) [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="200" caption=""][/caption] IDS Log Harmonization: a "win-win" initiative The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has started the process of adopting Nato’s Classification System (NCS). The NCS is “the codification system used by the armed forces of all NATO countries in order to facilitate military…

November 1, 1941 Bulletin: Liberty Ship Production Stopped

[caption id="attachment_3992" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="How Much Did the Liberty Shipbuilders Learn? (Florida International University)"][/caption] A report by the Government Review Office (GRO), an arm of the US Congress, upheld the protest by the Northwest Shipyards of Seattle Washington against the plan to build Liberty ships in yards across the country.…

DARPA To Review Impact Of Globalization On U.S. Industry

By Richard McCormack (Manufacturing News) The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is exploring how it can once again become a driving force in the U.S. economy. Under new leadership, the agency has announced plans to host an “Industry Summit” that will explore “globalization and its impact on U.S. industry.”…

A European Union focus on Maritime Surveillance

The European Union has for a number of years been focusing on ways to enhance what the US calls “Maritime Domain Awareness” via increased collaboration among relevant stakeholders.  As European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Joe Borg commented: "For maritime surveillance to work as well as it can, it…

French Special Forces in Afghanistan: Lessons Learned

[caption id="attachment_2566" align="alignleft" width="102" caption="Revue Marine November 2009"][/caption] In the current issue of Marine, a quarterly publication by the  French Navy’s Association of Reserve Officers (Association des officiers de réserve de la Marine nationale) a special series of articles on NATO’s involvement in Afghanistan called «Afghanistan: Which Path for the…

NDU Study Recommends DOD Step Into The Manufacturing Policy Void

Global Manufacturing Employment Trends (NDU Study, p. 17) By Richard McCormack For the sake of U.S. national security, the federal government and the Department of Defense must stop ignoring the decline of the U.S. manufacturing sector and put in place policies that reinvigorate American production. That is the recommendation from…

USAF Tanker Competition: “Get on with it”

George Talbot, political editor of the Mobile Press-Register has written a powerful column about the desire of the mother of a fallen hero in the wars in South West Asia to see the new tanker provided to the troops. "Get on with it," says Connie Gibson . "Whatever it takes."…