By Murielle Delaporte Recent interviews conducted in Norfolk, Virginia, and in particular with Supreme Allied Transformation Commander (SACT) General Denis Mercier, focused on how NATO is addressing its transformation. In the wake of February’s NATO Defense ministers’ two-day meeting in Brussels and the reform of the command structure, the ACT…
By Robbin Laird The RAAF has been in the throes of significant modernization over the last decade as the C-17, KC-30A, Super Hornet and the Wedgetail have come together to shape an integrated and effective power projection force. The next wave of change is spearheaded by the F-35. But the…
What has happened so far on North Korea is certainly dynamic. What will happen may be equally dynamic. If one reads the various forecasts of what was certain to happen under Trump’s presidency with regard to North Korea, you will not find a lot of assessments that got it right…
We are focusing on several aspects of change in the global strategic situation as well the approach which U.S. and allied forces are taking to engage effectively as the strategic situation changes. One key dynamic of change is the distribution of sensors and strike throughout the battlespace and the use…
Since 2014, the Williams Foundation has held a series of seminars, which have looked at the nature of military transformation enabled by new platforms, new technologies and new approaches. Now, the Foundation is focusing on the new strategic context within which this force will operate and the kinds of further…
By Paul Bracken, Yale University The United States has recognized a return to major power rivalry in recent official documents such as the National Security Strategyand the Nuclear Posture Review. This is a useful step that catches up to a reality that analysts and many others have argued has been…
Recently, we have launched a new companion website to Second Line of Defense. Defense.Info is a website that provides cutting-edge analyses of global strategic challenges and developments as well as of defense platforms and systems. We are taking an approach different from what we have done and are doing on…
By Murielle Delaporte Being ready for the next battles and imagining new forms of combat beyond Maginot lines require to “bring tomorrow’s topics to the table ,“ and especially the tables where national political decision-makers meet. For General Mercier, one of ACT’s main missions is indeed to raise the Western…