A400M Tests Paratroop Operations

07/03/2014: The A400M was originally conceived of in a world where lifters were trucks to carry cargo and troops from point A to B.  This world has totally been transformed by operations in the past decade, during which the A400M was being developed and readied for its roll out into…

The Rafael in The Afghan Operations: Reconnaissance Pods Used Effectively

10/11/2011 During the French operations in Afghanistan, the reconnaissance pods on the Rafael provided to be a key asset.  The tactical aircraft provided dynamic targeting data and were able to work with the sea-bases to work an intervention and strike picture to guide the entire French air operation.  This was…

The C-235 in the French Air Force

06/09/2011: During the Airbus Trade Media event in Spain in mid-May, Commandant David Spieles of the French Air Force provided an overview of how the French Air Force used the C-235 and their plans for the evolution of the fleet.  The core point really revolved around the relative ruggedness of…

French Ops in Libya

Preliminary Lessons Learned By General Jean-Patrick Gaviard Photo Credit: Libya: Operation Harmattan, EMA / Armée de l’Air – Marine Nationale, March 2011 04/20/2011 - In the aftermath of several weeks of bombings above Libya, it might be of interest to attempt to decrypt two key events which happened as this…