ADF support to Vietnamese Deployable Medical Facility 

Australia supported Vietnam’s first deployment of a Role 2 field hospital to a United Nations peacekeeping mission through providing two airlifts by Royal Australian Air Force C-17A Globemaster aircraft in late September 2018.  Additionally, the Australian Defence Force provided the Vietnamese Peacekeepers with English language training and other specialist equipment…

Day in the Life of an F-35A Maintainer 

The F-35A Joint Strike Fighter is the most advanced, affordable fifth generation multi-role stealth fighter to meet Australia’s need to defeat emerging threats well into the future.  The F-35A is truly next-generation due to its stealth capability, advanced sensors, data fusion and its ability to share information with other aircraft,…

The RAAF Explains the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter  

The F-35A Joint Strike Fighter is the most advanced, affordable fifth generation multi-role stealth fighter to meet Australia’s need to defeat emerging threats well into the future.  The F-35A is truly next-generation due to its stealth capability, advanced sensors, data fusion and its ability to share information with other aircraft,…

KC-30A and F-22

In August and September 2018, air-to-air refuelling trials were conducted between a Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport and United States Air Force F-22 Raptor fighter at Edwards Air Force Base in California. [maxgallery id="120984"] Trials were conducted over the course of eight flights, and with the F-22…

AP-3C Orion in Exercise Kakadu  

Held biennially, Exercise KAKADU is a joint exercise hosted by the Royal Australian Navy and supported by the Royal Australian Air Force.  In 2018 it included 23 ships, 21 aircraft, a submarine and more than 3,000 personnel from 27 nations, and delivered a range of activities both ashore in Darwin…

Kakadu 2018  

Held biennially, Exercise Kakadu is a joint exercise hosted by the Royal Australian Navy and supported by the Royal Australian Air Force.  23 ships, 21 aircraft, a submarine and more than 3000 personnel from 27 nations are participating in a range of activities both ashore in Darwin and at sea. …


Held biennially, Exercise Kakadu is a joint exercise hosted by the Royal Australian Navy and supported by the Royal Australian Air Force. In 2018 it included 23 ships, 21 Aircraft a submarine and more than 3,000 personnel from 27 nations, and delivered a range of activities both ashore in Darwin…

US-Australian Enhanced Air Cooperation Initiative

A Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) C-130J Hercules refuels a United States Marine Corps (USMC) MV-22 Osprey at RAAF Base Darwin, as part of the Enhanced Air Cooperation (EAC) initiative.  This refuelling trial was the first time the EAC initiative has integrated with aviation capabilities not assigned to the United…