The China-Russia Gas Conflict

2012-12-13 by Richard Weitz The protracted negotiations concerning China’s possible purchase of an enormous volume of Russian natural gas has been a prominent agenda item at Russian-Chinese leadership summits for years. Expectations had been high for years that an agreement might soon be imminent, but the parties have proved unable…

Russia and DPRK Proliferation Issues: Positioning for Influence

2012-12-02 By Richard Weitz Russian diplomats generally oppose using sanctions to punish countries whose governments misbehave. In the case of the DPRK, as with Iran, Russian policy makers argue that a non-coercive, incentive-based strategy offers the best means for persuading Pyongyang to denuclearize. Especially in the case of North Korea, Russian…

Assessing Russia’s Military Reforms: A Bridge Too Far?

2012-11-25 By Richard Weitz The fate of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov’s controversial reforms, designed to transform a traditional mass mobilization military created to fight another global war with the West into a force optimized to win local conflicts and counterinsurgencies, remains in doubt. The reforms have succeeded in destroying the…

The Focus of Russian Military Means

2012-11-21 by Richard Weitz Despite the reformers’ goal of redirecting Russian strategic thought away from fighting the West to winning localized conflicts, Russia’s military doctrine and recent military exercises still identify resisting NATO aggression as a major task of the Russian armed forces. The 2010 Military Doctrine describes NATO’s growing military…

Who is the Russian Military? Muslims, Conscripts and Professionals

2012-11-20 By Richard Weitz A core goal of the Serdyukov reforms was transitioning the Soviet-era mass mobilization military designed to win another global war with the West into a force optimized to fight local conflicts such as counterinsurgencies as well as participate in peacekeeping operations and counterpiracy and counterterrorist missions. This…

Russian-ROK Economic Ties

2012-11-18 By Richard Weitz Even with the persistent security tensions, economic cooperation between Russia and South Korea has increased dramatically during the past decade. The commerce involves primarily the exchange of Russian oil and gas in return for ROK machinery and equipment. The South Korean military also purchases some Russian defense…

Russia and DPRK Proliferation Issues: Goals and Strategy

2012-11-17 By Richard Weitz Throughout the past decade, under both presidents Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev, the Russia’s government policies towards North and South Korea have remained remarkably consistent. They have pursued several integrated key goals, strategies, and tactics in both the security and economic realms: Russian policy makers are eager…