F-35 Global Enterprise Meets in Oslo


2014-09-13 According to The Nordic Page a Multinational F-35-Summit to be held in Oslo on 25 September 2014. This is the first time the leaders of the multinational F-35-program will meet in Norway.

This happens as all nine partner nations in the program assemble in Oslo for their second JSF steering board of 2014.

The F-35 Program is expected to deliver around 3,000 aircraft for the nine partner nations as well as several direct export customers over the next 20 to 25 years and is the largest multinational technology development program of its kind since World War II.

For the first time media will also be invited to cover the meeting from a dedicated press center. 

Known as the “JSF Executive Steering Board” (JESB) the summit represents the highest decision making body within the F-35 Program.

The JESB is held twice a year, and as Norway currently serves as the co-chair in the program with the United States, the 2014 fall session is held in Oslo. 

JESB Press Center on September 25th 

In the JESB press centre pre-registered media will be able to conduct interviews, background conversations and receive briefings on the program, on the development of the aircraft and on themes and topics that are being discussed at the JESB. In addition, images and video from the JESB session itself will be made available.

(NOTE: media will not be given access to the session chambers during the meeting). Following the conclusion of the JESB, key attendees may also be made available for comments and interviews.

The Norwegian F-35 Program Office will also be publishing regular updates, information and pictures on its website, blog and on social media both prior to, during and after the JESB.  

About the JSF Executive Steering Board (JESB) 

The role of the JESB is to serve as a board of directors for the program that follows up on its progress and determines its future development.

The Program Executive Officer (PEO), Lieutenant General Christopher Bogdan, as well as various subgroups and advisory boards within the program prepare and propose several reports and proposals for presentation and deliberation at the JESB.

Based on the decisions and input from the JESB the PEO and the Joint Program Office (JPO) manage the daily operations of the program, as well as  the development and production of the F-35 on behalf of the partner nations.
