06/07/2015: On May 19, 2015, a week before visiting the USS WASP and meeting with the crew and pilots doing the operational trials aboard the ship, the Second Line of Defense team went to MCAS Beaufort to discuss the progress made with the Warlords after moving from Eglin.
We had a chance to talk with Squadron Leader Nichols as well about the UK engagement with the squadron and the program in preparation for flying the squadron to the UK in 2018 for marrying up with the HMS Queen Elizabeth.
Credit Photos: Second Line of Defense
- The first few shots show some of the F-35s at the squadron that day, including one with Wasp markings that was prepared to join OT-1.
- The sixth photo shows Squadron Leader Nichols in front of a UK F-35. Even though he is standing in front of the plane, within the squadron any squadron member might fly this plane, as will the Brits fly USMC jets. This is the same as at Luke where the Aussies and the USAF pilots fly each other’s planes. This is part of the F-35 global enterprise already being stood up.
- The seventh and eighth photos show Murielle Delaporte with Squadron Leader Nichols and Major Brian Bann.
- The final photos show Lt. Col. Bachmann and Major Bann with Murielle Delaporte and Robbin Laird in front of the Warlords squadron building.