CH-53K Plus TAGRS: Marines Shape New Expeditionary Basing Capabilities


By Robbin Laird

Recently, the Marines tested their new forward base refueling system with the CH-53K.

The two together provide new capabilities for forward refueling points or for expeditionary basing.

According to the Marines:

Marines with Marine Wing Support Squadron 371, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, employ a tactical aviation ground refueling system (TAGRS) while conducting expeditionary advanced base operations in support of a CH-53K King Stallion training evolution at a forward arming refueling point at Yuma Proving Grounds Range, Ariz., July 15, 2020.

The King Stallion is the most powerful aircraft in the Department of Defense, providing unmatched heavy-lift capability to the Marine Corps.

(U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Jaime Reyes)

In an interview earlier this summer with a senior MAWTS-1 officer, we discussed the coming of TAGRS and of the CH-53K to the Marine Corps and how these new capabilities would allow for enhanced FARP capabilities and expeditionary basing support.

In that interview with Maj Steve Bancroft, Aviation Ground Support (AGS) Department Head, MAWTS-1, MCAS Yuma, we discussed the way ahead on FARPs enabled by TAGR and CH-53Ks.

Excerpts from that interview follow:

There were a number of takeaways from that conversation which provide an understanding of the Marines are working their way ahead currently with regard to the FARP contribution to distributed operations.

The first takeaway is that when one is referring to a FARP, it is about an ability to provide a node which can refuel and rearm aircraft.

But it is more than that. It is about providing capability for crew rest, resupply and repair to some extent.

The second takeway is that the concept remains the same but the tools to do the concept are changing.

Clearly, one example is the nature of the fuel containers being used. In the land wars, the basic fuel supply was being carried by a fuel truck to the FARP location. Obviously, that is not a solution for Pacific operations.

What is being worked now at MAWTS-1 is a much mobile solution set.

Currently, they are working with a system whose provenance goes back to the 1950s and is a helicopter expeditionary refueling system or HERS system.

This legacy kit limits mobility as it is very heavy and requires the use of several hoses and fuel separators.

Obviously, this solution is too limiting so they are working a new solution set.

They are testing a mobile refueling asset called TAGRS or a Tactical Aviation Ground Refueling system.

As noted in the discussion of TAGRS at the end of this article: “The TAGRS and its operators are capable of being air-inserted making the asset expeditionary.

“It effectively eliminates the complications of embarkation and transportation of gear to the landing zone.”

The third takeaway was that even with a more mobile and agile pumping solution, there remains the basic challenge of the weight of fuel as a commodity.

A gallon of gas is about 6.7 pounds and when aggregating enough fuel at a FARP, the challenge is how to get adequate supplies to a FARP for its mission to be successful.

To speed up the process, the Marines are experimenting with more disposable supply containers to provide for enhanced speed of movement among FARPs within an extended battlespace.

They have used helos and KC-130Js to drop pallets of fuel as one solution to this problem.

The effort to speed up the creation and withdrawal from FARPs is a task being worked by the Marines at MAWTS-1 as well.

In effect, they are working a more disciplined cycle of arrival and departure from FARPs.

And the Marines are exercising ways to bring in a FARP support team in a single aircraft to further the logistical footprint and to provide for more rapid engagement and disengagement as well.

The fourth takeaway is that innovative delivery solutions can be worked going forward.

When I met with Col. Perrin at Pax River, we discussed how the CH-53K as a smart aircraft could manage airborne MULES to support resupply to a mobile base.

As Col. Perrin noted in our conversation: “The USMC has done many studies of distributed operations and throughout the analyses it is clear that heavy lift is an essential piece of the ability to do such operations.”

And not just any heavy lift – but heavy lift built around a digital architecture.

Clearly, the CH-53E being more than 30 years old is not built in such a manner; but the CH-53K is.

What this means is that the CH-53K “can operate and fight on the digital battlefield.”

And because the flight crew are enabled by the digital systems onboard, they can focus on the mission rather than focusing primarily on the mechanics of flying the aircraft. This will be crucial as the Marines shift to using unmanned systems more broadly than they do now.

For example, it is clearly a conceivable future that CH-53Ks would be flying a heavy lift operation with unmanned “mules” accompanying them. Such manned-unmanned teaming requires a lot of digital capability and bandwidth, a capability built into the CH-53K.

If one envisages the operational environment in distributed terms, this means that various types of sea bases, ranging from large deck carriers to various types of Maritime Sealift Command ships, along with expeditionary bases, or FARPs or FOBS, will need to be connected into a combined combat force.

To establish expeditionary bases, it is crucial to be able to set them up, operate and to leave such a base rapidly or in an expeditionary manner (sorry for the pun).

This will be virtually impossible to do without heavy lift, and vertical heavy lift, specifically.

Put in other terms, the new strategic environment requires new operating concepts; and in those operating concepts, the CH-53K provides significant requisite capabilities.

So why not the possibility of the CH-53K flying in with a couple of MULES which carried fuel containers; or perhaps building a vehicle which could come off of the cargo area of the CH-53K and move on the operational area and be linked up with TAGRS?

I am not holding Maj. Bancroft responsible for this idea, but the broader point is that if distributed FARPs are an important contribution to the joint and coalition forces, then it will certainly be the case that “autonomous” systems will play a role in the evolution of the concept and provide some of those new tools which Maj. Bancroft highlighted.

Australian Sub-Orbital Space Launch: The Latest Plan Jericho Event


By Samara Kitchener

The Royal Australian Air Force launched its first ever sub-orbital rocket from Australia to the edge of space on the weekend.

As part of its High Altitude Program, Air Force is exploring the delivery and employment of game-changing capabilities in the upper atmosphere.

The launch was the first to take place from the Southern Launch Koonibba Test Range, a new commercial rocket range in South Australia, and the rocket carried an Australian designed and made prototype miniature radio frequency receiver payload.

This launch will assess the design requirements of low-cost, expendable sensors necessary to survive and operate effectively in harsh temperature, gravity and vibration environments.

Invited guests and local community members watch a live stream of the pre-launch activity at the Southern Launch Koonibba Rocket Range near Ceduna, South Australia

Air Force’s Plan Jericho sponsored two South Australian companies for this trial. DEWC Systems developed the prototype radio frequency receiver payload. Southern Launch delivered the payload to edge of space launching a DART rocket from their Koonibba Test Range near Ceduna, South Australia. Dutch company T-Minus manufactured the small ‘New Space’ DART rocket.

Two rockets were successfully launched on September 19. This followed an unsuccessful launch on September 15 because of a defective rocket motor igniter. Southern Launch modified the igniter to ensure it functioned effectively for subsequent launches.

The Air Force payload was a 5.625GHz radio frequency receiver with a rudimentary machine-learning array designed to detect Bureau of Meteorology’s weather radars.

This mission is an exciting collaboration between Australian space industry players and demonstrates that the Australian space industry has evolved and is ready to make its mark in the ‘New Space’ era.

Wing Commander Paul Hay, Plan Jericho’s Advanced Sensing lead said it was an incredible moment.

“The rocket is unlike any ever launched in Australia weighing only 34kg, it travelled at Mach 5, or about 1.5km per second, reaching an altitude of 85km,” Wing Commander Hay said.

“The activity successfully demonstrated DEWC Systems’ ability to miniaturise a very low cost passive sensor and communication system, integrate the sensor data into the RAAF network, develop payload software, and collaborate with Southern Launch to integrate the payload into the unique T-Minus rocket. The learnings from the trial will be important for the next steps in Australia’s commercial space operations as well as Air Force’s High Altitude Program.

“The DART rocket payload enables Air Force to continue low-cost trials to assess the design requirements necessary for low cost, expendable sensors to survive and operate effectively in harsh environments and how to share that information across Defence networks.

“As multiple data sources are provided by advanced sensors they will be integrated into a sophisticated Combat Cloud – or internet of Defence things – to enable smart, timely decision making.”

“The launch of the DEWC Systems payload at the Koonibba Test Range, supported by the First Nations people at Koonibba, marks the start of Australia entering the new space race and a future where all Australians can truly reach for the stars,” Southern Launch CEO Lloyd Damp said.

DEWC Systems CEO Ian Spencer said collaboration was key.

“This mission is an exciting collaboration between Australian space industry players and demonstrates that the Australian space industry has evolved and is ready to make its mark in the ‘New Space’ era,” Mr Spencer said.

The launch from the Koonibba Test Range was done in consultation and cooperation with the local Aboriginal community and marks the start of commercial space launches from South Australia.

Published by the Australian Department of Defence on September 22, 2020



Perspectives on the Coming of the CMV-22B to the Large Deck Carrier


By Robbin Laird

I first viewed an CMV-22B in person when attending the Reveal ceremony in Amarillo, Texas held on February 6, 2020.

But I am not stranger to the Osprey having seen my first Ospreys at Second Marine Air Wing in 2007.

At that time there were four Ospreys on the tarmac.

The plane has come a long way since then with the Marines taking it in to every clime and place with the transformational aircraft having a significant change on how the Marines operate.

Now the plane is coming in a modified form to the US Navy, and it is technically replacing the C-2 Greyhound in its carrier support role. The CMV-22B is no more a replacement for the C-2 Greyhound, than the MV-22 was for the CH-46.  The MV-22 covered the functions of the CH-46 for the Marine Corps but represented a disruptive change which has transformed the USMC and its operations.

The CMV-22B will provide the functionality of the C-2 for the carrier strike group but is entering the carrier strike group at a time of profound change, and it will contribute to it.

Over the past few months, I have had a chance to discuss the coming of the CMV-22B to the large deck carrier with a number of people knowledgeable about the transition and would like to share those findings.

I have travelled to Pax River, San Diego, Naval Air Station Fallon, and Amarillo, Texas over the past few months, and would like to share what I have learned from those visits for these findings form a baseline with regard to the importance of the coming of the CM-22B to the fleet.

Pax River

I went last Fall to Naval Air Station Patuxent River and to meet with Col Matthew Kelly, who is in charge of the V-22 Joint Program Office (PMA-275). I first met “Squirt” when he was an F-35B test pilot and indeed was selected as test pilot of the year in 2011.  Having come from the F-35 world, where the entire command and control (C2) and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) infrastructure is being reworked, is a perfect community for the new head of the V-22 Program to come as that aircraft is undergoing a fundamental transformation.

It is often overlooked that the US Air Force Special Forces Command (AFSOC) and Marine Corps are still the only tiltrotor forces in the world. And the Osprey from the outset has demonstrated a speed and reach capability which traditional rotorcraft simply have not replicated.

At Pax River, we discussed the next phase of the evolution of the Osprey of which now the US Navy’s carrier community would become a key player as well as the Marines and the US Air Force.

The US Navy is joining Osprey Nation at the same time as the Japanese. As Col. Kelly commented: “There is no other air platform that has the breadth of aircraft laydown across the world than does the V-22. And now that breadth is expanding with the inclusion of the carrier fleet and the Japanese.

We currently have a sustainment system which works but we need to make it better in terms of supporting global operations. With the US Navy onboard to operate the Osprey as well, we will see greater momentum to improve the supply chain.”

Discussions with the US Navy’s Air Boss

After Pax River, my next discussion of the coming of the CV-22B was with the Navy’s Air Boss, Vice Admiral Miller. In a meeting in his office in San Diego a week before attending the reveal ceremony in Amarillo Texas we discussed how the Ari Wing was changing, and the impact of the coming of new platforms, like the CMV-22B.  As we discussed the future of the air wing, we agreed that a way to look at the way ahead was not so much the integrated air wing, but the shaping of the integratable air wing.

What is being set in motion is a new approach where each new platform which comes into the force might be considered at the center of a cluster of changes.

The change is not just about integrating a new platform in the flight ops of the carrier.

The change is also about how the new platform affects what one can do with adjacent assets in the CSG or how to integrate with adjacent U.S. or allied combat platforms, forces, and capabilities.

We then focused on the case of the U.S. Navy replacing the C-2 with the CMV-22 in the resupply role. But the Navy would be foolish to simply think in terms of strictly C-2 replacement lines and missions. So how should the Navy operate, modernize, and leverage its Ospreys?

For Miller, the initial task is to get the Osprey onboard the carrier and integrated with CVW operations.

But while doing so, it is important to focus on how the Osprey working within the CVW can provide a more integrated force.

Vice Admiral Miller and his team are looking for the first five-year period in operating the CMV-22 for the Navy to think through the role of the Osprey as a transformative force, rather than simply being a new asset onboard a carrier.

The Reveal Ceremony

After my visit with the Air Boss, the following week I travelled to Amarillo Texas for the reveal ceremony. My assessment at the time was that I was the only outsider in attendance and had a chance while at the ceremony to talk with a wide range of attendees from the USMC, the US Navy, industry and the acquisition community. But I will highlight here three interactions which highlight the way ahead for the US Navy and its CMV-22B.

The first interaction was with Capt. Dewon “Chainsaw” Chaney, the Commander of COMVRMWING (or Fleet Logistics Multi-Mission Wing) who command three squadrons of CMV-22Bs as they are stood up. At the ceremony, Captain Chaney highlighted the coming of the new capability and what it meant for the US Navy.

“What is the status of the CODs? Every Carrier Air Wing Commander and Carrier CO has received that question numerous times from the Carrier Strike Group Commander while on deployment. And for good reason…

“The COD, or Carrier On-board Delivery, aircraft is the only long-range aerial logistics platform providing logistical support for the Carrier Strike Group, ensuring its time sensitive combat capability. Sure, there are ways to get some items to the carrier but that time lag in most cases is at the cost of readiness for the warfare commander.

“The Navy saw the need to replace the aircraft providing this critical capability years ago and embarked on multiple efforts to inform that decision. The Navy selected V-22 as the future COD platform. The first aircraft is being delivered today (well actually a week ago but who is counting). And our first deployment will be here in a blink of an eye!

“But the devil in the details with this particularly accelerated program is making sure that the fleet can man, train, and equip those at the tip of the spear potentially in harm’s way.

“As of October, last year as the Wing Commodore, I have the honor, privilege and responsibility, given to me by Vice Admiral Miller, to be the lead for the Navy’s CMV-22 community along with our partners at well into the 2040s. Delivery of this aircraft is a major milestone on the path to initial operational capability in 2021.

“The CMV-22 has the capability to internally carry the F-35C engine power module. This capability is a game changer for the Air Wing of the Future and drove the need to match up the F-35C and CMV-22 operational deployments. The first CMV-22 deployment is now less than a year from initial delivery of N3, which is scheduled for late June of this year.

“Its success is key to maintaining combat lethality for the Air Wing of the future and our Navy. CMV-22s will operate from all aircraft carriers providing a significant range increase for operations from the Sea Bases enabling Combatant Commanders to exercise increased flexibility and options for warfare dominance.

“If you’re in a fight, it’s always good to have options! Every month following the first initial deployment, there will be a CMV-22 detachment operating with a US aircraft carrier somewhere in the world….”

The Perspective of CAPT (ret.) Sean McDermott

The second interaction was with CAPT (ret.) Sean McDermott who currently  iss a commercial airline pilot who served in the US Navy for 26 years. He was involved with the C-2 during the majority of his career, starting as a Greyhound pilot and eventually commanding one of the Navy’s two fleet logistics squadrons. In the final years of his service, McDermott was involved in working through options for the Navy as they considered C-2 replacements, with an eventual Osprey selection.

McDermott highlighted the potential for the CMV-22B to expand the envelope significantly for what a COD aircraft could do for the fleet.

“With the C-2 we did one thing – Carrier On-board Delivery. With the Osprey, Combatant Commanders already know the multi-mission capability of the V-22 and will be tempted to utilize them for a variety of other missions.

“This is not something that would happen with a C-2. Carrier leadership will eventually struggle to fence off their logistics assets from outside tasking.”

In other words, there is an anticipated operational demand that they will want to leverage fully the new versatile capabilities of the Osprey.

He noted that with the new platform being introduced to carrier aviation, it will be possible to leverage it to shape a greater range of capabilities for the COD asset. He noted that as the Marines began to get comfortable with the MV-22, they shaped the unique Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force (SP-MAGTF), which has become a highly demanded asset.

He argued that such innovation was certainly possible for the Navy as it worked with its new COD aircraft.

One area he noted were forward deployed locations that would benefit like operations in Bahrain. Ospreys deployed to these locations could not only better support logistics but would also have the flexibility to support other mission sets for combatant commanders.

“With the coming of the new platform into the fleet, one innovation which might be considered is how to use the new Navy Osprey as part of a broader sustainment effort encompassing Marine Corps and Navy Ospreys. It also is an area where the multi-mission capabilities of the aircraft for the Navy can be explored as well.

“In other words, where the Marines leveraged their Ospreys to build and equip SP-MAGTF, perhaps the US Navy can leverage the Bahrain anchor from which to build regional sustainment and explore ways to build out the multi-mission capabilities it would want from its CMV-22s.”

This clearly might require the Navy to consider from the outset ways to ramp up the buy and to prepare for ways in which the fleet commanders will employ it to leverage fully the aircraft capabilities, and, at the very least, utilizing its capability to provide improved logistics to Navy and Maritime Sealift Command ships.

The Perspective of the Mayor of Amarillo

The third interaction of note I had in Amarillo was with its Mayor. Neglected in any discussion of new capabilities is the contribution of the workforce which builds such a capable aircraft as the Osprey. And I asked the Mayor, why is Amarillo, Texas capable of doing so.

To be blunt, I asked here the following question: From where are these skilled workers coming from, and why is Bell here?

Mayor of Amarillo, Ginger Nelson, provided a spirited response:

“Because we want Bell here, because we have a tremendous workforce here in the Texas Panhandle,” Nelson said. We are a city fed by the small-town rural communities that surround our region. Our people are only one or two generations from having grown up on a farm or having owned their own small business. And the work ethic for our people is simply: if you are not doing it, it is not going to get done. Our work ethic is strong; and patriotism is a core value in the Texas Panhandle.”

The often-forgotten enabler of the US military is the industrial worker. But Ginger Nelson certainly has not forgotten their importance.  “Bell relies on us to supply dedicated, competent workers who are ready to meet the responsibilities that include the defense of our nation.”

Visiting NAWDC

After my visit to Amarillo, my next visit involving discussing the way ahead with regard to the CMV-22B was at Fallon Naval Air Station, the home of the Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center (NAWDC).  Here this key training center is hooked up with other Navy and warfighting centers to generate the kind of innovative combat force which can defend the nation’s interests.

And new Navy air platforms coming into the force are vetted into NAWDC to shape their maximal contribution to a lethal and effective combat force. The C-2 never was a plankholder in NAWDC, but the CMV-22B will be.

According to CO of NAWDC< Rear Admiral Brophy, they will work the  tactics, techniques, procedures (TTPs) for the CMV-22Bs along with Captain Chaney, as it will enter into NAWDC through the rotary wing school in NAWDC, but its ultimate location for cross-platform training, in a command increasingly focused on such training with a kill web focus, will be determined.

Visiting the North Island Air Station, San Diego

After my visit to NAWDC in early July 2020, I went to San Diego and met with the Naval Air Boss on the morning of July 13th and in the afternoon with “Chainsaw.” During my visit with the Osprey squadron, I had a chance to see the third Osprey on the tarmac, and visit the hangar being used to stand up the squadron.

In my discussion with “Chainsaw” at North Island on the 13th of July 2020, we discussed the standup of the CMV-22B squadrons.

The first squadron VRM-30 was stood up prior to the creation of the wing and its first aircraft arrived in June 2020.  Captain Chaney noted that there is a two-year timeline to get a fully qualified maintenance technician or officer for the force, so that has been underway.

That training has been generated with the Marines in North Carolina, Hawaii, Kuwait, or working side by side with Marines in various locations or in the Bell-Boeing teams at the Maintenance Readiness Team in Miramar.

Captain Chaney then noted that this October, the fleet replacement squadron, VRM-50, will be stood up. It will take this squadron two years until they will be able to train new pilots. As he explained: With VRM 30, they need to get pilots ready to go fly and go on deployment.

“Whereas with VRM 50, they have to get pilots and maintainers qualified, but then they also have to figure out how to train other pilots and aircrewman in other words to establish the Navy training cycle for the aircraft.”

He noted that the Navy will approach operating its Osprey in some ways differently from the Marines, but because of the interactive working relationships any learning on the Navy side can be easily be transferred on the Marine side. “I see it as a very symbiotic relationship between the Marine Corps and us, all under the Department of the Navy.

“Clearly with the Marine Corps having the bulk of the experience right now in MV-22s, I welcome any of their lessons learned and comments about maintaining the airplane, flying the airplane, fighting with the airplane. I’m all ears, because I know that my team is still in their infancy.”

But one example of cross learning might be with regard to how the Navy will operate the load outs and off-loading of the aircraft. They are looking to have a rapid unload capability with new containers for the CMV-22B and Navy experience with the new kit might well prove of interest to the Marine Corps as well. The counterpart to VRM-30 will be VRM-40 but all three squadrons are under the Wing. The third squadron will be on the East Coast.

And as the Osprey comes to the fleet, building appropriate infrastructure is a key priority facing the Wing in the next few years. At North Island, San Diego, their first simulator will come next year, and a new hangar is being built and will be ready in 2023. But the East Coast basing solution remains to be resolved.

With regard to the standup, the Wing Commander comes from the rotary wing community; his Deputy from the C-2 community.

The challenge is blending the two into a tiltrotor force which operates at a different altitude from the C-2, can fly night shipboard missions (which the C-2 did not), and rapid, efficient shipboard operations, which has not been the core focus of the USMC and their use of the aircraft.

In short, it is clear that the CMV-22B needs to prepare for carrier operations but equally the carrier community needs to get ready for the coming of CMV-22B.


The F-35 in the Way Ahead for USMC-US Navy Integration


By Robbin Laird

During my visit to MAWTS-1 and to NAWDC, one clear instrument of their enhanced integration in the contested battlespace was rather obvious: The F-35 and its evolution as a global enterprise.

With the F-35 coming to the large deck carrier, the strike syllabus has changed. With the F-35 pioneered by the USMC, with its naval aviators leading the way, new capabilities have been brought to the force in terms of integratability, mobile basing, and combat power from the sea on a wider variety afloat asset than simply the large deck carrier.

With MAWTS-1 this year, I have discussed two sets of related questions: What is the way ahead with regard to mobile and expeditionary basing?

And how can the USMC provide greater support for the maritime battle?

Specifically, during my visit to MAWTS-1 in September 2020, we focused on two core questions:

How is the Marine Corps going to contribute most effectively to the Pacific mission in terms of Sea Control and Sea Denial?

And how to best contribute to the defensive and offensive operations affecting the SLOCs?

Prior to my visit, I discussed the mobile basing piece with Major Brian “Flubes” Hansell, MAWTS-1 F-35 Division Head. A key aspect of what we discussed was the capability which the F-35 to both empower their expeditionary bases as well as contributing to the wider integration in the fleet approach being worked.

As Major Hansell put it: “By being an expeditionary, forward-based service, we’re effectively extending the bounds of the kill web for the entire joint and coalition force.”

During the visit, I continued the discussion first with the Col Gillette, CO of MAWTS-1, an experienced F-35 pilot, whom I first met at Eglin AFB who then returned to YUMA and transitioned in the first F-35 operational squadron deployed to Japan.

My colleague Ed Timperlake once characterized the coming of the F-35 global enterprise, or the ability of a wide range of U.S. service and allied air forces to integrated together over the extended combat space as the 21st century “big blue blanket.”

The “big blue blanket” for the US Navy in World War II referred to the very large fleet deployed throughout the Pacific to deal with the tyranny of distance.

Such a fleet does not exist today, nor will it. Airpower is the key to shaping today’s “big blue blanket,” with the F-35 global enterprise as a key enabler.

As Col. Gillette put it: “It is not only a question of interoperability among the F-35 fleet, it is the ability to have common logistical and support in the region with your allies, flying the same aircraft with the same parts. And the big opportunity comes with regard to the information point I made earlier. We are in the early stages of exploiting what the F-35 force can provide in terms of information dominance in the Pacific, but the foundation has been laid.

“And when we highlight the F-35 as the 21st century version of what the World War II Navy called the big blue blanket with the redundancy and the amount of information that could be utilized, it’s pretty astonishing if you think about it.

“The challenge is to work the best ways to sort through the information resident in the F-35 force and then how do you utilize it in an effective and efficient way for the joint force. But the foundation is clearly there.

During my visit, I met with Major Shockley, an F-35 instructor pilot at MAWTS-1, whose most recent F-35 experience has been in the Pacific with the squadron in Japan.

He reinforced Col. Gillette’s point in terms of the ability of USMC F-35s to work with allied, USAF and US Navy F-35s as well to shape a situational awareness and strike force which expanded the reach of the joint or coalition force.

Indeed, Major Shockley highlighted the impact of F35-B thinking on base mobility. The F-35As and F-35Cs have some advantages in terms of fuel, and then range and loitering time with regard to the B, notably with regard to the C. Because the force is so inherently integratable, how best to work the chessboard of conflict with regard to where the various F-35 pieces move on the chessboard.

From this standpoint, he argued for the importance of shaping a “rolodex of basing locations” where F-35s could land and operate in a crisis.

Here he had in mind, not only what the very basing flexible B could provide, but thinking through deployment of “expeditionary landing gear” to allow the As and Cs to operate over a wider range of temporary air bases as well.

Here he was referring to preparing locations with the gear to enable landing on shorter run “airfields” as well as the kind of modifications the Norwegians have done with their F-35s enabling them to land in winter conditions in the High North as well.

With the F-35B as well, a much wider range of afloat assets are being used to enable the F-35 as a “flying combat system” to operate and enable ISR, C2 and strike capabilities for the joint and coalition force. This is being demonstrated throughout the amphibious fleet, a fleet which can be refocused on sea contrail and sea denial rather than simply transporting force to the littorals.

As Col. Gillette put it: “The traditional approach for the amphibious force is move force to an area of interest. Now we need to look at the entire maritime combat space, and ask how we can contribute to that combat space, and not simply move force from A to B.

“I think the first leap is to think of the amphibious task force, as you call it, to become a key as pieces on the chess board. As with any piece, they have strengths and weaknesses. Some of the weaknesses are clear, such as the need for a common operational picture, a command and control suite to where the assets that provide data feeds to a carrier strike group are also incorporated onto L-Class shipping. We’re working on those things right now, in order to bring the situational awareness of those types of ships up to speed with the rest of the Naval fleet.”

A key consideration when highlighting what the F-35 as a wolfpack can bring to the force is deploying in the force multiples that make sense for the force.

This rests upon how the combat systems are configured on that force. In simple terms, the integrated communications, navigation and identification systems operate through a multiple layer security system, allowing a four ship F-35 force to operate as one.

With the Block IV software coming into the fleet, now an eight ship F-35 force can operate similarly.

This allows for wolfpack operations and with the ability of the reach of the F-35 into other joint or coalition F-35 force packages the data flowing into the F-35 and the C2 going out has a very significant reach and combat impact.

This is not widely known or understood, but provides a significant driver of change to being able to operate and prevail in denied combat environments. Leveraging this capability is critical for combat success for the US and allied forces in the Pacific.

And my visits to NAWDC and MAWTs-1 certainly underscore that these warfighters get that.

With regard to the CNI and wolfpack enablement, see the following:

Crafting Effective C2/ISR in the Contested Battlespace: The Impact of the CNI System


“The ability to share C2 decision making data across the F-35 global enterprise and make that data available other key elements of a task force operating in contested multi-domain operational area of interest is essential to its ability to work at the higher end of the fight.”

Featured photo: U.S. Marines with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 211 (VMFA-211) and U.S. Marines with Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One (MAWTS-1) conduct a hot load on the F-35B Lightning II during Weapons and Tactics Instructor Course (WTI) 2-17 at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Ariz., March 30, 2017.

The ordnance loading exercise focused on loading the aircraft while the pilot is onboard and the engine is running which provides the Marine Corps with a capability to project Marine air power forward on the battlefield while decreasing aircraft turnaround time and increasing sortie generation. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Staff Sgt. Artur Shvartsberg/MAWTS-1 Combat Camera)

March 30, 2017


MAWTS-1 Training: WTI 1-20

An end of course video featuring the highlights of Weapons and Tactics Instructor (WTI) course 1-20 in Yuma, Arizona, Oct. 28, 2019.

WTI is a seven-week training event hosted by Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One (MAWTS-1), which emphasizes operational integration of the six functions of Marine Corps aviation in support of a Marine Air Ground Task Force.

WTI also provides standardized advanced tactical training and certification of unit instructor qualifications to support Marine aviation training and readiness, and assists in developing and employing aviation weapons and tactics.

(U.S. Marine Corps video by Staff Sgt. Marcis Pereda).



Regional Presence Deployment: An Australian Perspective


By Lieutenant Commander Todd Fitzgerald

HMA Ships Stuart and Arunta sailed in company with ships from Japan, South Korea and the United States in the Pacific Ocean this week.

Commanding Officer Arunta Commander Troy Duggan said he welcomed this opportunity to continue close and effective cooperation with key partners in the region.

“RAN remains committed to strengthening longstanding security partnerships across the region,” Commander Duggan said.

“Our relationships are based on mutual respect, trust and a shared vision for a secure, open, prosperous and inclusive Indo-Pacific.”

Participating US units included Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Barry, a Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine and fleet replenishment oiler USNS John Ericson.

Commanding Officer Barry Commander Christopher A. Gahl said every opportunity to train alongside Australia, Japan, and South Korea was mutually beneficial.

“Our ability to seamlessly integrate for advanced warfare training is a testament to each navy’s professionalism and commitment to international maritime norms and regional stability,” Commander Gahl said.

Participating units from the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) included JS Ise and JS Ashigara.

Commander Escort Division Two, of the JMSDF, Captain Kitagawa Keizo, said it was an honour to train together as one team.

“JMSDF is and will remain committed towards the peace and stability of the Indo-Pacific region with allies and partner navies, and it is the fundamental strategic end state of JMSDF,” Captain Keizo said.

South Korea Ships Chungmugong Lee Sunshin and Seoae Ryu Seong-Ryong also took part.

Commodore Maritime Task Squadron 71 Captain Kim Sung Hwan, of the South Korean Navy, said the passage exercise provided opportunities that could enhance steadfast and flexible coordination.

“It will also serve as an opportunity to strengthen joint-response capabilities for various security situations by building up the friendship and coordination system between participating nations,” he said.

The multinational group exercise was part of the RAN’s regional deployment to South-East Asia and the Pacific.

HMA Ships Stuart and Arunta are continuing a regional deployment through South-East Asia after completing Exercise Rim of the Pacific in Hawaii.

The Regional Presence Deployment demonstrates Australia’s commitment to sustaining strong and positive defence relationships with regional nations as well as the security and stability of the Indo-Pacific region.

This article was published by the Australian Department of Defence on September 11, 2020.



MRZR System and the CRW

The 621st Contingency Response Wing employs many pieces of equipment that are critical to the CRW mission.

In this video, our subject matter expert, Senior Airman Mason Anderson, 921st Contingency Response Squadron defender and MRZR master drivecoach, describes how the MRZR is critical to the mobility of all Devil Raiders.


Video by Tech. Sgt. David W. Carbajal

621st Contingency Response Wing Public Affairs