Maiden Landing of Indian LCA Aircraft onboard Indian Aircraft Carrier


By India Strategic

New Delhi.

After completing extensive trials on the Shore Based Test Facility (SBTF), Naval version of Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) did asuccessful arrested landing onboard INS Vikramaditya at 1002 hrs on January 11, 2020.

Commodore Jaideep Maolankar conducted the maiden landing. Captain Dahiya was the Landing Safety Officer (LSO) and Cdr Vivek Pandey Test Director on ship whereas Gr. Capt. Kabadwal and Cdr Ankur Jain were monitoring the aircraft through telemetry from SBTF.

LCA Navy has been developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

This article was published by India Strategic on January 13, 2020.


JADM Training: USMC F-35s


Aircraft with Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501 drop two 1000lb Joint Direct Attack Munitions at Townsend Bombing Range (TBR), Georgia, on December 30, 2019.

As part of their training in the F-35 program, pilots use TBR to drop ordinance on specific targets to train them about being combat capable and network enabled fighters.


Video by Cpl. Rene Lucerobonilla and Lance Cpl. Aidan Parker

Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort

Preparing the CH-53K for USMC Operations: A New Capability for a New Strategic Environment


By Robbin Laird

A recent news story highlighted progress in the preparation of the new heavy lift helicopter, the CH-53 K, for the USMC.

According to Megan Eckstein of USNI News in a story published on December 17, 2019:

“The Marine Corps and Sikorsky have resolved the engine integration issues that slowed down the CH-53K King Stallion heavy-lift helicopter program, the service announced today.

“The helicopter’s test program was overhauled in the spring after falling behind due to testing inefficiencies and challenges with the engine, including exhaust gas re-ingestion (EGR).

“In April, the Marine Corps signed a $1.13-billion contract with Sikorsky for Lots 2 and 3, though the contract was somewhat scaled back compared to previous plans due to cost growth and testing delays.

“Today’s announcement that the engine problems have been resolved makes more realistic the government/industry team’s plans to take the helicopter on sea trials in the spring and ultimately conduct a first deployment by 2023 or 2024.”

I had an opportunity in January 2020, to follow up on this story. I went to Pax River in January 2020, to discuss the progress of the program with Colonel Jack Perrin Program Manager, PMA-261 H53 Heavy Lift Helicopters, US Naval Air Systems Command at Pax River Naval Air Station.

We started our discussion with the news story.

We discussed the importance of not only solving the problem but the importance of the way the problem was solved to enhance collaboration between industry and government to achieve further progress in the program.

We then went on to discuss why the program was critical to the shifts in Marine Corps operations outlined in the Commandant’s Guidance.

From my perspective, the question of the impact of a new heavy lift helicopter capability was not adequately understood, for this new capability was coming into the force at a key turning point in terms of building the force necessary for the new strategic environment.

And then we discussed briefly, the question of the nature of strategic lift necessary to support what I have coined the integrated distributed force or what might be called the distributed integratable force.

Resolving the Engine Integration Issue

Col. Perrin underscored that after significant numbers of flight tests and working with the mature aircraft, a problem was identified which was considered a key choke point to moving forward more rapidly to achieve initial operating capacity of the aircraft.

The engine is working very well and the airframe and aircraft over all have performed well.  The problem identified after hours of flight testing was that the integration between the engine and the aircraft needed to be improved.

According to Perrin, a problem facing three engine helicopters is exhaust gas coming into the aircraft.

Exhaust gas re-ingestion (EGR). EGR occurs when the hot engine gasses are ingested back into the system and can cause increased life-cycle costs, poor engine performance and degradation, as well as time-on-wing decreases, engine overheating and even stalls.

EGR is an issue for all three-engine helicopters, to include the CH-53E Super Stallion. The program office was determined to find a production solution for the CH-53K, as was done for the CH-53E.

What needed to be fixed was to find a way to eliminate this problem on the CH-53K.

Obviously, this is a problem for flight operations, but also, exhaust gases were affecting the airframe as well.

According to Colonel Perrin, “The CH-53E is only about 13% composites; the CH-53K is about 70%, and exhaust gases affecting the air frame would create maintenance problems over time.”

He underscored that to fix the problem and to be better able to bring the aircraft to IOC, they used an unprecedented coming-together of highly skilled engineers with a variety of expertise to mitigate an ongoing engine issue for the CH-53K King Stallion, including industry, the Marines and government.

They used advanced computer modelling to come up with a range of solutions and then narrowed down to a particular solution which was then implemented.

And after testing, this solution was successful which allowed putting the aircraft back on track for the projected IOC date.

The fix is important; but also, the way in which it has been done – integrating Marines, with government and industry.

The way the solution has been reached provides a solid foundation for completing the way ahead to IOC.

The Launch of the CH-53K is Not Like the Osprey

I had the opportunity to see the USMC introduce the Osprey and to watch its evolution since that time. It has had a significant impact on Marine Corps operations and has laid the foundation for the next generation distributed integratable operations.

But when it was launched, it was a time of pioneering with digital maintenance and finding ways to maintaining the new tiltrotor technology. It is very different for the CH-53K, because much of the preparation for IOC has been a focus upon the maintainability of the aircraft.

I have visited the log demo for the CH-53K team located at New River Marine Corps Air Station and have seen the key role which VMX-1 located there is having in shaping a credible approach to maintaining the aircraft before it is coming into Marine Corps operations.

According to Col. Perrin, the VMX-1 team comes regularly to Pax River to work on preparing for the operational launch of the aircraft and the working relationship between the test, maintenance and industrial teams is providing a solid foundation for the introduction of a much more mature aircraft in the case of the CH-53K than was able to be done at the time of the launch of the Osprey.

This is certainly good news, but this also creates a problem.

The CH-53K which will enter service in the next couple of years is not at the equivalent point of maturity as when the Osprey entered the service. It is significantly advanced in terms of its maturation, but the challenge will be for this to be recognized so that numbers of the aircraft can be ramped up and introduced more rapidly into the force than the Osprey experience.

A New Capability for a New Strategic Environment

 The Commandant’s Guidance highlighted the nature of the new strategic environment and the importance of distributed operations leveraging both sea-basing and expeditionary or mobile basing.

It is clear that heavy lift is a key enabler of such a concept of operations.

As Col. Perrin noted in our conversation: “The USMC has done many studies of distributed operations and throughout the analyses it is clear that heavy lift is an essential piece of the ability to do such operations.”

And not just any heavy lift – but heavy lift built around a digital architecture.

Clearly, the CH-53E being more than 30 years old is not built in such a manner; but the CH-53K is.

What this means is that the CH-53K “can operate and fight on the digital battlefield.”

And because the flight crew are enabled by the digital systems onboard, they can focus on the mission rather than focusing primarily on the mechanics of flying the aircraft. This will be crucial as the Marines shift to using unmanned systems more broadly than they do now.

For example, it is clearly a conceivable future that CH-53Ks would be flying a heavy lift operation with unmanned “mules” accompanying them. Such manned-unmanned teaming requires a lot of digital capability and bandwidth, a capability built into the CH-53K.

If one envisages the operational environment in distributed terms, this means that various types of sea bases, ranging from large deck carriers to various types of Maritime Sealift Command ships, along with expeditionary bases, or FARPs or FOBS, will need to be connected into a combined combat force.

To establish expeditionary bases, it is crucial to be able to set them up, operate and to leave such a base rapidly or in an expeditionary manner (sorry for the pun).

This will be virtually impossible to do without heavy lift, and vertical heavy lift, specifically.

Put in other terms, the new strategic environment requires new operating concepts; and in those operating concepts, the CH-53K provides significant requisite capabilities.

And this Marine Corps-Navy capability is suggestive of a broader set of considerations for the Army and the Air Force.

If Expeditionary Basing is crucial, certainly the CH-53K could provide capabilities for the Army and the Air Force, to compliment fixed wing lift aircraft.

And in many cases, only a vertical lift support capability will be able to do the job.

Remember the USAF flies the CV-22s and if they are part of the distributed fight and requiring expeditionary basing, it may be the case that such a base can be set up and sustained only by vertical heavy lift.

Both considerations, how to cross-operate across the seabase and the expeditionary base, and the question of whether vertical heavy lift is now becoming a strategic asset, will be dealt with in later pieces. 

But for now, the core point is simple – the K needs to come into the USMC-Navy team as soon as possible to enable the shift in concepts of operations required to deal with the new strategic environment.

And if the CH-53K became part of the joint team, the question of cost is very manageable.

By producing more aircraft, the cost curve comes down. And shaping a more effective cost curve is a significant challenge which the program is addressing.

Colonel Jack D. Perrin is the United States Marine Corps, Program Manager, PMA-261, H-53 Heavy Lift Helicopters

Featured photo: USMC

For our archive of CH-53K stories, see the following:








1st MEF and New ACV


U.S. Marines with Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch, Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity, operate new Amphibious Combat Vehicles along the beach aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, Dec. 18, 2019.

The ACV is a modernized platform providing increased lethality, survivability and protected mobility to Marines and will enhance I Marine Expeditionary Force’s ship-to-shore operations. 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion, 1st Marine Division, will be the first to receive the ACV.



Video by Lance Cpl. Garrett Kiger

I Marine Expeditionary Force

C-130J Working Emergency Airdrop in Hostile Territory


A C-130J crew must rely on abnormal support capabilities as they conduct an emergency airdrop in hostile territory.

They discover the new tools are just as effective and make them more lethal.

1 of the 5 vignettes shown at the 2019 Airlift/Tanker Association conference during AMC Commander Gen. Maryanne Miller’s keynote address.

Video by Senior Airman DaQuan Hurt, Michael Raynor, Tech. Sgt. Natashia Stannard, Senior Airman Desiree Ware, Adam White and Trevor Wood

2D Audiovisual Squadron

Shaping an Australian Navy Approach to Maritime Remotes, Artificial Intelligence and Combat Grids

By Robbin Laird

During my visit to Australia last October, I had a chance to talk to a number of people about the evolving approach in Australia to maritime remotes and their evolving role within the “fifth generation” warfare approach or what I refer to as building a distributed integratable force or an integrated distributed force.

Towards the end of my stay, I had a chance to discuss with the key presenter on this topic at the Seapower Conference held in Sydney in early October, Commander Paul Hornsby, the Royal Australian Navy lead on maritime remotes.

We discussed a number of issues, but I am going to focus on where maritime remotes fit within the evolving strategic thinking of the Royal Australian Navy and its contribution to the ADF.

The broad point is that Australia is focusing on robotics and artificial intelligence more generally in its economy, with clear opportunities for innovation to flow between the civil and military sectors. Australia is a large island continent with a relatively small population. For both economic and defense reasons, Australia needs to extend the capabilities of its skilled manpower with robotic and AI capabilities. For the Navy, this means shaping a much large “fleet” in terms of a significant web of maritime remotes working interactively with the various manned assets operating in an area of interest.

Commander Hornsby highlighted the 2018 Australian Robotics Roadmap as an indicator of the Australian approach to cross-leveraging robotic systems and AI. As the report noted:

“Robotics can be the force multiplier needed to augment Australia’s highly valued human workforce and to enable persistent, wide-area operations in air, land, sea, subsurface, space and cyber domains.”

A second broad point is that Australia is working closely with core allies to forge a common R and D pool and to cross-learn from one another with regard to the operation of maritime remotes and their ability to deliver capabilities to the operational forces.

An example of the cross-learning and collaborative approach was Autonomous Warrior 2018. The exercise was a “milestone in allied cooperation,” according to Lt. Andrew Herring, in an article published on November 24, 2018.

When more than 50 autonomous technologies and over 500 scientists, technicians and support staff came together for AUTONOMOUS WARRIOR 2018 (AW18) in Jervis Bay, ACT, it marked the culmination of four years’ collaboration between the militaries, defence scientists and defence industries of five nations.

Today, Navy’s Deputy Director Mine Warfare Diving and Special Ops Capability, Commander Paul Hornsby, and Defence Science and Technology’s (DST) Trusted Autonomous Systems Program Leader, Professor Jason Scholz, are exploring autonomous technologies with US Air Force Research Lab’s Senior Engineering Research Manager, Dr Mark Draper and Dr Philip Smith from the UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory.

The four, with their respective organisations, are collaborating under the Five Eyes’ Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP), which shares information and ideas among defence scientists from Australia, UK, USA, Canada and New Zealand, pursuing strategic challenges in priority areas.

Among them is TTCP’s Autonomy Strategic Challenge, which aims to integrate autonomous technologies to operate together in different environments.

AUTONOMOUS WARRIOR 2018 includes the Strategic Challenge’s fifth and final scientific trial – ‘Wizard of Aus’ – a software co-development program aimed at managing autonomous vehicles from a shared command and control system that integrates with combat systems used by Five Eyes nations.

US Air Force Research Lab’s Dr Mark Draper summarises AW18’s ambitious objective. “What we are trying to achieve here is force multiplication and interoperability, where multiple unmanned systems from different countries—in the air, on the ground and on the surface of the water or even underwater—would all be controlled and managed by one person sitting at one control station.”

Two systems together

To achieve this, two systems have come together: ‘AIM’ and ‘MAPLE’.

‘Allied IMPACT’, known as AIM, combines best of breed technologies from Australia, United Kingdom, United States and Canada.

“We’ve brought these technologies together and integrated them into one control station and we are testing its effectiveness in reasonable and realistic military scenarios,” Dr Draper said.

Australia has led development of three of AIM’s eight modules: the Recommender, which uses artificial intelligence to analyse information and recommend actions to commanders; the Narrative, which automatically generates multimedia briefings about emerging operational situations; and DARRT, which enables real time test and evaluation of autonomous systems.

The Maritime Autonomous Platform Exploitation (MAPLE) system is a UK-led project providing the information architecture required to integrate a diverse mix of live unmanned systems into a common operating picture that is fed into the AIM Command and Control Station.

“The sort of software co-development we are doing here is not usually done,” UK Defence Scientist Dr Philip Smith said.

“The evaluation team is using real time data logging to evaluate system performance, apply lessons learned and improve the software.

“This is also giving us detailed diagnostics to determine where to focus effort for future development,” he said.

 Revolutionary potential

DST’s Professor Jason Scholz is optimistic about the potential for these technologies beyond AW18.

“This activity has demonstrated what can be achieved when a spirit of cooperation, understanding and support exists between military personnel, scientists, engineers and industry.

“Systems became more reliable as the exercise progressed with improvements made daily.

“These highly disruptive technologies can potentially revolutionise how armed forces operate. The sort of cooperation we’ve seen at AW18 is vital for bringing these technologies into service.

“It would be interesting to run a similar activity with these rapidly evolving technologies in two or three years,” Professor Scholz said.

Lasting impact

Commander Hornsby, who has been the ADF lead for AW18 and is developing Navy’s autonomous systems strategy, says the activity has raised awareness among Australia’s Defence Force and defence industry.

“The nearly 1000 visitors to AW18 gained fresh insights into the technology’s current state of development and its potential to enhance capability.

“As a huge continent occupied by a relatively small population with a mid-sized defence force by world standards, the force multiplier effect of autonomous systems is vital, which is why Australia is a leading developer.

The evaluations done at AW18 are also important internationally.

“The world is watching AW18 closely because Australia offers the most challenging operating conditions for unmanned technologies. If they can make it here, they can make it anywhere,” Commander Hornsby said.

Autonomous Warrior 2018 was a major demonstration and evaluation of the potential of robotic, autonomous and uninhabited systems, in support of Defence operations in coastal environments. It combined a dynamic exhibition, trials and exercising of in-service systems.

Australian industry contributed semi-autonomous vehicles for use in AW18 and developed data interfaces to enable control by Five Eyes systems. Contributing companies included Bluezone Group, Ocius, Defendtex, Australian Centre for Field Robotics, Silverton and Northrop Grumman. Vehicles were also contributed by Australian, NZ, US and UK government agencies.

In our discussion, Commander Hornsby noted that collaborative R and D and shared experiences was a key element of the Australian approach, but that Australia had unique operating conditions in the waters off of Australia, and systems that might work in other waters would not necessarily be successful in the much more challenging waters to be found in Northern and Western Australia, areas where the deployment of maritime remotes is a priority.

But one must remember that the maritime remote effort is a question of payloads and platforms. Not simply building platforms. Rear Admiral Mark Darrah, US Navy, made a comment about unmanned air systems which is equally applicable to maritime remotes: “Many view UAS as a capability when in fact it should be viewed as a means of employing payloads to achieve particular capabilities.”1

His approach to maritime remotes is very much in the character of looking at different platforms, in terms of speed, range, endurance, and other performance parameters, measured up against the kind of payload these various platforms might be able to carry.

Calculations, of the payload/platform pairing and their potential impacts then needed to be measured up against the kind of mission which they are capable of performing. And in this sense, the matching of the payload/platform dyad to the mission or task, suggests prioritization for the Navy and the ADF in terms of putting in to operation the particular capability.

This also means that different allied navies might well have different views of their priority requirements, which could lead to very different timelines with regard to deployment of particular maritime remotes.

And if the sharing approach prevails, this could well provide the allied nations to provide cross-cutting capabilities when deployed together or provide acquisition and export opportunities for those allies with one another.

Commander Hornsby breaks out the missions for AUV and UUV employment in the following manner:

Home & Away operations…

  • Break Out (Around own critical / sensitive infrastructure – High end UUVs) •Break In (Deployed / Amphib – Low end AUVs / single shot / disposable)
  • Block Out (Autonomous Maritime Asset Protection / Robot UUVs / CIED)
  • Block In (High end AUVs – Sub Launch / XLUUVs / Mining / Intervention)
  • Surveillance (Persistent AUVs for surveillance / attribution – wave gliders
  • Servicing (Large UUVs for industrial off-shore tasks – in water docking)

Pending combination, provides: Deterrence, Sea Control, Sea Denial, Power Projection or Force Protection

What this means is that different payload/platform combinations can work these different missions more or less effectively. And quite obviously, in working the concepts of operations for each mission or task which will include maritime remotes needs to shape an approach where their capabilities are properly included in that approach.

And in a 2016 briefing by Hornsby.”2, he highlighted this point as follows:

But importantly, maritime remotes should not be looked at in isolation of the operation of the distributed force and how integratable data can be accumulated and communicated to allow for C2 which can shape effective concepts of operations.

This means that how maritime remotes are worked as an interactive grid is a key part of shaping an effective way ahead. And this allows for creative mix and matching of remotes with manned assets and the shaping of decision making at the tactical edge.  Remotes and AI capabilities are not ends in of themselves; but are key parts of the reshaping of the C2/ISR capabilities which are reshaping the concepts of operations of the combat force.

In that 2016 briefing, Commander Hornsby provided an example of the kind of grid which maritime remotes enable:

To use an example in the European context, as the fourth battle of the Atlantic shapes up, if the allies can work cross-cutting maritime remote payload/platform capabilities and can operate those in the waters which the Russians intend to use to conduct their operations against NATO, then a new grid could be created which would have significant ISR data which could be communicated through UUV and USV grids to various parts of the 21st century integrated distributed combat force.

Such an approach is clearly crucial for Australia as it pushes out its defense perimeter but needs to enhance maritime security and defense of its ports and adjacent waters. And that defense will highlight a growing role for maritime remotes.

As Robert Slaven of L3Harris Technologies, a former member of the Royal Australian Navy, has put it:

“The remotes can be distributed throughout the area of interest and be there significantly in advance of when we have to create a kinetic effect. In fact, they could be operating months or years in advance of shaping the decision of what kind of kinetic effect we would need in a crisis situation.

“We need to learn how to work the machines to shape our understanding of the battlespace and to shape the kind of C2 which could direct the kind of kinetic or non-kinetic effect we are trying to achieve.”3

The featured photo shows Head of Royal Australian Navy Capability, Rear Admiral Peter Quinn, AM, CSC, RAN (right), Australian Defence Force personnel and industry partners watch the Defendtex Tempest Unmanned Aerial Vehicle display during AUTONOMOUS WARRIOR 2018 at HMAS Creswell.


Also, see the following:

Manned-Unmanned Teaming: Shaping Future Capabilities





CH-53E Enabling a FARP


U.S. Marines with Marine Air Control Squadron 4 Detachment Bravo (MACS-4 DET B) and Marine Wing Support Squadron 171 (MWSS-171) conduct a Forward Arming and Refueling Point (FARP) exercise at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Iwakuni, Japan. Dec. 13, 2019.

FARP training offers MCAS Iwakuni the capability of forward deploying a helicopter and fixed wing arming and refueling point anywhere in Japan.



Video by Cpl. Christian Castro

Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni

The Sally B in Denmark in 2019

By Elly Sallingboe

The Sally B returned to Denmark in August 2019.

Being a Dane, I was very exited about bringing Sally B to my home country, and I was in no way disappointed.

Sally B was definitely the star of the show.

On our arrival, we were welcomed with a red carpet and a Guard of Honour and when we departed, we were escorted out of the country by two F16s of the Danish Airforce draped in the Danish flag,

Dannebrog. What welcome, what friendliness, I shall never forget it!

And Jon Corley, B-17 Pilot, added to Elly’s note on the time in Denmark.

A B-17 is a regular sight in the UK but in Europe it is somewhat of a rarity.

We were not the usual Boeing the controllers were used to!

As we made our way through the Netherlands crossing into Germany, Steve Carter asked where we were, “the map says Wilhelmshaven” I replied,

“WILHELMSHAVEN?!” he exclaimed “ that was Memphis Belle’s last but one mission, in 1943. It was at this point I started to reflect back to how bad it was for everyone back then. The conditions they would have been in, cold temperatures, flak, enemy fighters, and also the people on the ground hearing the drone of the engines above not knowing whether the aircraft were passing on to another target or if their home town was the target.

Flying over in the serenity of 2019 was delightful but full of remembrance

Arriving in Roskilde

Our flight took us further North into Denmark, and as we were getting closer to Roskilde it was becoming evident that we were quite a spectacle for them. The local press were previously aware of our inbound route and had announced to the public we would be flying through, near certain towns.

The number of people who had gathered on local bridges to get a view of us as we flew past was astounding.

3 hours 56 minutes after our departure from Duxford we landed at Roskilde, and as we taxied in, we noticed there was a surprisingly large crowd for a Friday afternoon.

We parked up on the ramp, and shut down our engines. To our surprise, we then had a VIP welcome from the Danish.

A red carpet was rolled out to the door of the aircraft, World War 2 reenactors lined up either side of the carpet, and at the end of the carpet was a Willys Jeep ready to take Elly and Peter away for a press interview.

From there on the hospitality was astounding, nothing was too much trouble for anyone, we were made to feel at home and very welcome

Our display and meeting the Danes

We had a display to perform that evening, so the ground crew prepared the aircraft for the next flight, checking fuel and oil levels. Surprisingly she hadn’t used that much oil, even our No.3 engine which was known for using more oil (it has now been replaced), it seems Sally B likes doing long trips.

We carried out the display that evening, which was very well received by the crowds.

Sally B was then covered up for the night while we were treated to some delightful Danish food.

Our day on Saturday consisted of attending the display briefing, and then ensuring the aircraft was ready for the display later that day.

Until then, we would be talking to the public and showing people around the aircraft, including VIPs such as the Danish Minister of Defence, and of course some of our own club members from Denmark.

Again, an air display carried out by Peter with his usual style of displaying the aircraft, once again well received by the crowds, but almost too well.

Once we had shut down we could see crowds of people flocking to the exit gates, much like what is seen in the UK once the Red Arrows have finished their display.

It seems that a lot of people at the show came to see Sally B, and once she had displayed it was time for them to go despite there still being another third of the show to go….

Sunday was much of the same, excellent hospitality, good food, showing people around the aircraft and engaging with the public. The weather on Sunday was particularly grim and looking at the weather radar we could see rain showers moving in throughout the day.

We were very fortunate again, we managed our full display and I think maybe one or two display acts after us managed, but then the weather worsened.

Some aircraft took off to try to display, but soon returned having not been able to see far enough to perform a safe display. The display ended in a gloomy grey skyline with moderate rain, but thankfully most of the event over the weekend had been a success.

Editor’s Note: We met the Sally B team at a B-17 event in France in 2015.

We are partnered with them and urge our readers to support the Sally B in any they can.

These two excerpts are taken from Sally B News, Issue 57, Winter/Spring 2019/20

Sally B News issue 57

The featured photo shows the Sally B flying over the Wilhelmshaven Docks in route to Denmark.

But in 1943, the flights of B-17s was a bit different.

Those first flights to Wilhelmshaven were described in January 27, 2010 article by Maj. Richard Komurek of the 8th Air Force public affairs.

BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, La — On Jan. 27, 1943, 91 B-17 and B-24 bombers from 8th Air Force launched from England to conduct America’s first World War II strike against the Nazi fatherland. During this historic attack, 58 bombers reached their targets and dropped 137.5 tons of munitions on the port of Wilhelmshaven to destroy strategic naval construction facilities. The bold mission was also credited with downing 22 German planes (official post-war tally- seven planes). Amazingly, despite the disadvantage of conducting a daytime bombing mission against a counter-air force of 50 to 75 fighter aircraft, only three bombers were lost to Nazi attack.

These heroic 8th Air Force Airmen serving in England were the real-life inspiration behind the classic novel and 1949 film “12 O’Clock High”. Under the leadership of legendary leaders such as Col. Frank Armstrong Jr. and Maj. Gen. Ira Eaker, 8th Air Force bombers and Airmen took the fight to the German homeland with the goal of striking at the heart of the Nazi war machine with daytime bombing raids that posed a great risk to the bombers and their crew.

So what does this bold mission from nearly 70 years ago have to do with today’s Airmen serving in Afghanistan and Iraq in the battle against terrorism?

At first glance, there seems to be little in common between the warfare experienced by the Airmen of WWII and the Airmen of today due to drastic differences in battlefield geography, the type of enemy targets targeted and the technology employed. However, there is a commonality in the valor and dedication of our Airmen who volunteer to serve our nation, their great skill and competency in accomplishing the mission and the Air Force values that empower them to succeed in the face of great odds. 

There is also commonality in the basic aspects of life as an Air Force warrior. Just as the 8th Air Force Airmen of WWII who deployed to the front lines of war in Europe, Airmen today are forward deployed to the front lines of Afghanistan and Iraq. Then, as now, our Airmen sacrifice their families and personal lives and routinely go into enemy territory risking deadly attack. And whether it is a downed aircraft or an Improvised Explosive Device, our Airmen are injured, killed and lose comrades-in-arms just like they did in 1943. 

So, as much as things have changed in regards to the threats we face and the technology employed against them, such as the use of remotely piloted aircraft to attack insurgents hidden in the remote areas of Afghanistan, many aspects of life as an Airman during wartime are timeless.

“Eighth Air Force has a proud legacy that continues to this very day,” said Maj. Gen. Floyd Carpenter, 8th Air Force Commander. “The great professionalism, dedication and valor shown by our Airmen today are the same qualities that carried our nation to victory in WWII. So although the threats we face today are somewhat different than generations past, our greatest assets and strengths continue to be our Airmen and our Air Force values.”

(Historical data provided by 8th Air Force History Office)