In the Footsteps of Admiral Nimitz: VADM Miller and His Team Focused on 21st Century “Training”


By Robbin Laird

As Admiral Nimitz confronted the last century’s challenges in the Pacific, he concluded a core lesson for this century’s Pacific warriors:

“Having confronted the Imperial Japanese Navy’s skill, energy, persistence, and courage, Nimitz identified the key to victory: ‘training, TRAINING and M-O-R-E  T-R-A-I-N-I-N-G.’ as quoted in Neptunes’s Inferno, The U.S. Navy at Guadalcanal (James D. Hornfischer)”

The US and its core allies are shaping new capabilities to deal with the various threats and challenges in the Pacific in the time of the Asian century.

Flexibility in operations and agility in inserting force with a proper calibration of effect will be enhanced as new systems come on line in the years ahead. But these systems will have the proper effect only in the hands of skilled warriors.

Recently, I visited Naval Air Station, North Island, in San Diego, to meet with VADM Miller, Commander Naval Air Forces, or the “Air Boss” of the US Navy.

Joining the discussion was the F-35 US Navy Wing Commander, Captain Max McCoy.

We discussed the evolution of the Naval Air Wings in the context of the Navy working what we have called in the past “the kill web,” or what I am now referring to as building an integrated distributed force.

VADM Miller started by underscoring that significant change is underway for the carrier air wing or CAG.

The F-35 is providing a forcing function of change.

One Mean Aircraft from on Vimeo.

According to VADM Miller:

“5th generation capability is a catalyst for change:  how we fight, how we train, how we maintain and sustain aircraft, how we flight test, and how man our squadrons (pilots & maintenance personnel).

“The emphasis is interoperability, networking, distributed forces, and integration.”

But several new capabilities are being introduced into the operational force, such as the Triton, P-8s, modernized Super Hornets, the new Hawkeye, the MQ-25 unmanned tanker.

These new capabilities are being worked into an evolving Naval strike force to shape new capabilities for the carrier and for the distributed force.

The new Commandant of the USMC has highlighted how he sees the evolution of the USN-USMC team to shape a distributed offensive defensive capability and the changes described by the Commandant along with changes to the carrier force are adding up to a significant trajectory of change for the sea-based force.

I asked him what are his top funding priorities and he underscored the key challenge of sustainment and getting the force fully supported for its demanding global deployment challenges.

But along with sustainment he highlighted the key challenge of shaping a new approach to training and testing in which the force evolves more rapidly in its combat learning skills from the standpoint of force interoperability.

The training function is changing dramatically, and in many ways, the reality underlying the function is changing dramatically as the capabilities and the focus on what I would call shaping an integrated distributed force change as well.

Captain Max McCoy highlighted what one might call the forcing function of the F-35 and of the F-35 aviators upon the training dynamic.

“We are teaching F-35C pilots to be wingmen, but training them to think like mission commanders.

“F-35C provides more situational awareness than ever before and pilots must be able to influence the battlespace both kinetically and non-kinetically.

“The pilot must interpret cockpit information and determine the best means to ensure mission success either through his own actions or by networking to a distributed force.”

They need to think like mission commanders, in which they are operating in terms of both leveraging and contributing to the networked force.

This means that the skill sets being learned are not the classic TTPs for a combat pilot but are focused on learning how to empower and leverage an integrated force.

“Training can no longer focus solely on T/M/S capabilities.

“Training has to develop young aviators who appreciate their role within a larger maneuver/combat element.

“Specifically, how does F-35C complement 4th generation capabilities within the Carrier Air Wing and surface combatants distributed within the Carrier Strike Group?

“It is no longer about fighting as a section or division of fighter aircraft.

“We only win if we fight as an interoperable, networked, and distributed force.

“We are still learning and incorporating 5th generation capability into the Navy.

“Our efforts must be calculated and measured but push beyond historical comfort zones.

“We must embrace what is new and redefine what is basic warfighting capability.

“This starts with the Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS) and Air Combat Training Continuum (ACTC) syllabi.

“We must make integrated training a key component of a pilot’s progression from FRS graduate to mission commander.    F-35C is an enabler, if and only if, we train our pilots to think well beyond the limits of their cockpit and reach of an individual aircraft’s weapons system”.

They are learning how to operate as distributed force packages.

This is leading to radical disjunctures from traditional training approaches and thinking.

How do you best train your aviators to tap into networks and provide for distributed strike?

In shifting from a training focus on traditional TTPs, how do Naval aviator’s problem solve differently?

How to reshape effectively the infrastructure to support new training approaches?

How do Naval aviators integrate with and maximize their impact for and on the combat force?

Live Virtual Constructive Training provides a technological path, but is a necessary but not sufficient tool set for the Navy to get where they need to go.

Training is now about shaping domain knowledge for the operational force to ensure that “we can be as good as we can be all of the time.”

According to Vice Admiral Miller and Captain McCoy:

“The ability to reshape training and change culture requires a warfighting community to break from traditional training methods either on the range, at sea and in the simulated environment.

“There are numerous reasons why we must find a new balance among live, virtual and constructive (LVC) training in a distributed mission training (DMT) construct.

“Range infrastructure, threat simulation, cost to operate, and security are driving us to search for new training opportunities.

“However, the most important reason is operational readiness – warfighting first.

“We must be ready and prepared to fight at all times independent of FRTP/OFRP phase.  LVC/DMT is the only way to be good all of the time given a unit’s resourcing that includes manpower, aircraft, and flight hour budget.

“It forces integration among 4th and 5th generation aircraft while also providing the medium to integrate with surface combatants.

“Again, in the future, we are all wingmen in the battlespace who must think well beyond the cockpit or bridge of our platforms.  LVC/DMT will be the proving ground that unlocks how we think and encourages TTP development that would otherwise be hindered by fiscal constraints and under-resourced or inadequate ranges.

“It is the bridge that builds cooperation and cohesiveness among communities.  LVC/DMT is the common ground that teaches our amazing tacticians how to appreciate a wide range of capabilities that are far more effective in the collective.”

If Admiral Nimitz would visit Naval Air Station, North Island, today, he would be amazed and pleased to see the technology in the hands and coming into the hands of the Naval aviation community.

But he certainly would wish to see the 21stcentury re-set of training underway to be fully supported and funded.

See also the following:

Air Marshal (Retired) Brown on Shaping a Fifth-Gen Kill Web Training Appraoch

Fighting at The Speed of Light: Making it All Work

The Maritime Services and the Kill Web

Vice Admiral Dewolfe Miller, III

Commander, Naval Air Forces/Commander, Naval Air Force, US Pacific Fleet

Vice Adm. DeWolfe Miller is a native of Annapolis, Maryland, grew up in York, Pennsylvania, and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1981. He holds a Master of Science from the National Defense University, is a Syracuse University national security management fellow and is a graduate of the Navy’s Nuclear Power Program.

His operational assignments include Training Squadron (VT) 19 in Meridian, Mississippi; Attack Squadron (VA) 56 aboard USS Midway (CV 41); Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 25 on USS Constellation (CV 64); VFA-131 and VFA-34 both aboard USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69); executive officer of USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70); commanding officer of USS Nashville (LPD 13); commanding officer of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) and as a flag officer, commander of Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 2  participating in combat Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Resolve.

Miller’s shore tours include Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 5; aviation programs analyst Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV N80); Strike Fighter Weapons School Atlantic; deputy director of naval operations at the Combined Air Operations Center during Operation Allied Force; Office of Legislative Affairs for the Secretary of Defense; aircraft carrier requirements officer for Commander, Naval Air Forces; and flag officer tours in OPNAV as director for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (N2N6F2); assistant deputy chief of naval operations for Warfare Systems (N9B); and most recently as director, Air Warfare (N98).

Miller became Naval Aviation’s 8th “Air Boss” in January 2018.

He is entitled to wear the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal and other personal, unit and service awards.

For Vice Admiral Miller’s speech to UK Air Power Convention delivered July 2019, see below:

UK AirPower Convention Speech_FINAL_July2019

May 23, 2019, VADM Miller delivered a speech at Fallon at the Change of Command Ceremony at NAWDC.

Some of his remarks made in that speech follow:

“The National Defense Strategy clearly states that ‘the surest way to prevent war is to be prepared to win one.’  So as we re-enter into an era of great power competition, where we face evolving, credible threats, we need NAWDC now, more than ever, to ensure we are always and forever prepared to win.

“And the most critical component of being prepared to fight and win is by having the very best and most realistic training possible.

“Performance in combat has always been dependent on the level and quality of training – never on the hope of achieving personal expectations.  That aspect of our business is fully embraced here, where innovative and creative warfighters are pushed to the boundaries of the machines that they operate.

“Naval Aviators excel in the air and make a difference in the world because of the skills honed here at NAWDC.”

Finally, the VADM spoke at the annual MPA Convention where he highlighted the importance of how Navy aviation was being transformed for the ability of the Navy to contribute to the demands of the new generation of full spectrum crisis management facing the liberal democracies.

“Maritime patrol and reconnaissance is the oldest mission in naval aviation and is deeply rooted in our beginnings.  Involved in every major conflict over the past 100 years, acting as the eyes and ears of the Fleet to meet commander’s needs for time-critical, over-the-horizon situational awareness.

“In fact, a pioneering junior officer in a Curtiss flying boat conducted the first reconnaissance mission flown by the Navy in a wartime condition, overflying Veracruz, Mexico in 1914 photographing enemy positions and searching for mines. That same pilot several days later also became the first Naval Aviator to take hostile fire.

“Today, we truly find ourselves “back to the future” with an emboldened Russia and an increasingly assertive China.  As both countries continue to expand and grow and globally deploy, the maritime forces that provide world wide security that leads to prosperity, the United States Navy and our allies, need to be ready – globally.

“Clearly the Cold War was won without fighting and that should be our goal today…back to the future.  As such, diplomacy — not the military — should be the main battery.  But diplomacy that’s not backed by credible combat power is an empty suit.  That’s where we come in.

“That’s why we deploy mobile, agile and lethal carrier strike groups, Marine Expeditionary Units and Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Forces all over the globe.  That’s why USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN (CVN 72) rapidly repositioned to the Arabian Gulf.  And that’s why the Golden Eagles of VP-9 are flying with armed HARPOON missiles in the SIXTH Fleet AOR and the Fighting Tigers of VP-8 and the Mad Foxes of VP-5 are conducting daily patrols in the South China Sea.

“That’s why VP-40 is providing armed escort for ships transiting the Strait of Hormuz they conduct the P-3’s final active-duty deployment.

“That’s why the VQ-1 “World Watchers” are deployed around the world providing continuous global ISR coverage to EVERY geographic Combatant Command.

“And why the Wizards of VPU-2 are ready “Anytime, Anywhere.”  Deployed and engaged in operations 365 days a year executing national tasking.

“When these forces combine with our international partners, the world’s finest ground forces, unmatched submarines, and cyber/space warriors, you get credible Joint Coalition combat power.

“Now, I’d be remiss if I didn’t discuss two myths that I’m often asked about:  one, that unmanned aircraft will make pilots obsolete and, two, that the era of the aircraft carrier is over – “Twilight of the Flattop,” I believe was the headline on last week’s Navy Times.

“We need look no further than Mark Twain to say that the reports of the demise of manned aircraft are greatly exaggerated.

“Just think for a moment that the mighty P-3, which first flew in 1962, is still flying missions in PACOM today…57 years later.  Please don’t take this remark as a sign that I am not a fan of TRITON.  As the Navy’s former director of ISR, nothing could be further from the truth.

“TRITON will be a game changer for many reasons and I am convinced that once VUP-19 deploys later this year and demonstrates the magnificent capabilities of the baseline variant – many more Commanders will quickly become fans.

Ladies and gentlemen, while the era of manned flight is far from over, the era of manned and unmanned teaming is just beginning and the need for steely eyed Naval Aviators will endure for as long as I can predict.

“Now let’s talk about aircraft carriers.

“Aircraft carriers and Aircraft Carrier Strike groups remain the centerpiece of our nation’s security strategy, supporting and protecting America’s national interests around the world.  As CNO has stated publically, and I echo – the aircraft carrier is the most survivable airfield in the world, travelling up to 700 miles in a day – capable of concentrating fires from the sea.  They need no permissions from host nations to operate, are sustainable, are, of course – supported by maritime patrol forces and provide valuable options to National Decision makers.

“I am perplexed at why some continue to proclaim the demise of the carrier.  Critics would have us believe that anti-ship ballistic missiles would render the CVN obsolete.

“Ladies and gentlemen, these critics and skeptics are flat out wrong.  The carrier strike group is more relevant today than ever before.

“On this topic, I’d like to quote ADM Harry Harris, a revered P-3 aviator, former Commander of Pacific Command and current Ambassador to South Korea.

“He stated “In this age of contested borders, disputed seas, and uncertain access, 4.5 acres of sovereign U.S. territory moving at will across the global landscape is a force to be reckoned with … and an enduring symbol of American power for which there is no substitute.

“We all know that Naval aviation is not static.

“Just look at the introduction of baseline TRITON and planned improvements of TRITON Multi-int, the capabilities resident in today’s P-8A and planned improvements in P-8 Inc III.  The same can be said of our carrier air wing with the advent of E-2D, Next Generation Jammer, Joint Strike Fighter, FA-18 Block III, CMV-22 and the GERALD R. FORD Class of Aircraft carriers.  Each – more networked, more autonomous, more capable and more lethal than their predecessors.

“These are indeed, exciting times to be a Naval Aviator – especially an aviator in Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance.”

Also, see the following USNI resource:

The Requirements of Fifth Generation Manoeuvre: October 24, 2019 Williams Foundation Seminar

On October 24, 2019, the Williams Foundation will host its next seminar on building an integrated fifth generation force.

This seminar will be held in the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra from 0800 through 1530.

Since 2013 the Sir Richard Williams Foundation seminars have focused on building an integrated fifth generation force. Recent seminars have evolved from the acquisition of new platforms to the process of shaping and better understanding the environment in which that integrated force will prepare and operate. In doing so they have, among other things, highlighted the challenges of making the strategic shift from counterinsurgency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan to higher tempo and higher intensity Joint operations involving peer competitors.

Within this context, the 2019/20 seminars will further develop the ideas associated with an increasingly sophisticated approach to Joint warfighting and power projection as we face increasing pressure to maintain influence and a capability edge in the region. In doing so, the Sir Richard Williams Foundation will continue to look at the evolution of the Australian Defence Force from the perspective of the sovereign lens and setting the conditions for future success.

The seminar in October 2019 is titled ‘The Requirements of Fifth Generation Manoeuvre’ and will examine the differences and potential gaps in how the Australian Defence Force must equip and organise for multi-domain operations.

In April 2020, we will expand on the theme and focus on ‘Preparedness for Fifth Generation Manoeuvre’. This seminar will explore the readiness, training and sustainment activities necessary to prepare for a broad range of possible contingencies in support of national security objectives, which might involve acting independently in the broader region.

Seminar Outline

Fifth generation manoeuvre will go hand-in-hand with the Australian Defence Force’s ability to orchestrate a rapid increase in tempo and open up new ways and means of projecting power and undertaking an indirect approach to warfare. Building upon the existing foundations of Australian Defence Force manoeuvre capability, the aim of the October seminar is to explore the differences in character and attributes of fifth generation manoeuvre and identify potential gaps in the way we must think, equip and organise to meet emerging national security outcomes.

The seminar will consider manoeuvre from a historical perspective and evolve the concept to the emerging policy and requirements of contemporary operations, especially as they relate to power projection and the emergence of the electromagnetic spectrum as a warfighting domain in its own right.

It will examine how we sense, make sense, and decide within the emerging operational environment and highlight the increasingly sophisticated and integrated relationship between the human and technology and the trusted autonomous systems which will characterise fifth generation operations.

The seminar will further examine the enduring requirement for situational awareness as a prerequisite for operational success, and the challenges of developing a broader understanding of the environment and communicating command intent to enable manoeuvre, especially when the electromagnetic spectrum is both contested and congested. Multi-domain command and control will be a critical enabler for fifth generation manoeuvre with communication and network resilience a fundamental consideration in force design and employment.

The seminar will also highlight the ongoing need to inculcate a fifth generation mindset into combat support and combat service support functions to better exploit the advantages of greater access and movement of information as well as the traditional physical enablers of manoeuvre. It will consider the role of critical infrastructure and geography and the opportunities and risks associated with the Australian operating environment.

The Sir Richard Williams Foundation has identified pre-eminent speakers from across the Australian and international defence communities, as well as inviting industry representatives to reflect the integral role they will play in the national framework of future operational capability.


For our Williams Foundation micro site, which includes past Williams Foundation reports, see the following:


In the Rebuild of the Australian Navy: The Government Looks to Key Role for Industrial Partnerships


By Robbin Laird

As I have argued earlier that the rebuild of the Australian Navy is not just a whole of government effort but a whole of society effort, if it is to succeed.

The Australian Chief of the Navy, Vice Admiral Mike Noonan, emphasized in his presentation in the first session of his seapower conference the importance of various partnerships. Clearly, for the new Navy to emerge, the approach to industry, local and global would need to change.

The strategic goals is toe shape a “continuous shipbuilding approach” which at its heart is about keeping the shipbuilding skill sets in play rather than one offing those skill sets with any build of a particular class of ship.

For this to work, the industrial-navy working relationship needs to be recast to operate throughout various regions of Australia, and with incentivized contracts for industry to be involved throughout the life cycle of any particular class of ship, in its sustainment and modernization.

This is especially significant with the 21st century approach to software upgradeability in the combat and weapons systems, and the strategic focus on shaping not just an integrated navy but a navy within an integrated force.

These goals simply will not be met with the legacy approach of the Australian government to industry.

How to do so is a challenge, for which Australia is in early days of the journey.

CMDR Fenn Kemp in an article published on Australian Navy’s website on October 8, 2019, highlighted the head of Navy’s approach:

The Navy Industry Engagement Strategy was launched by the Chief of Navy at the start of the Sea Power Conference in Sydney.

Vice Admiral Mike Noonan said the Royal Australian Navy was undergoing an unprecedented and ambitious shipbuilding program and Industry is a critical driver of success.

“Without Industry we don’t go to sea, we don’t fly our aircraft and ultimately, we are unable to defend Australia and our national interests,” Chief of Navy said.

“It was really obvious to me that we needed to transform Navy’s transactional relationships with Industry to those of longer-term, mutually beneficial, partnerships,” he said.

The strategy is based on four ‘Ds’ – 

  • Direction – which must be consistent and aligned
  • Dialogue – effective two-way communication between Industry and Navy
  • Difference – through innovation
  • Delivery – focus on capability

The Chief of Navy has signalled a renewed focus on engaging Defence businesses of all sizes to advance Navy’s capability.

“As Chief of Navy, I’m excited to continue meeting with large and medium enterprises,” Vice Admiral Noonan told the gathering.

“More and more, you’ll see me and my leadership team meeting with small businesses across our country.”

Vice Admiral Noonan said as capability manager and as an end user, Navy is determined to have a voice in all phases of the capability life cycle.

“We have a world class, capable, and lethal Navy,” Vice Admiral Noonan said.

“I need cutting edge technology in all aspects of the Australian shipbuilding Industry,” he said.

And this is how the Navy has described the new approach as well:

It is the Chief of Navy’s intent that the implementation of a Navy Industry Engagement Strategy, one that directly supports Plan Pelorus, will provide an ideal opportunity to regenerate, refocus and ultimately strengthen Navy’s relationship with industry and academia.

This strategy makes it clear that the Chief of Navy is focused on providing a clear direction of where we are going, what our needs are, and why. The Chief of Navy wants industry and academia to understand that what they are producing, no matter how big or how small, contributes to the bigger picture of Navy’s capability, and our national interest.

Together, the naval enterprise, industry and academia have an unprecedented opportunity to contribute to nation building and, in doing so, build a maritime capability that will underpin the long-term security and prosperity of Australia and our region. When we get this right, it will lead to increased opportunities for technology creation, innovation, and exploitation in our country. It will lead to an increase in Australian industry capability and capacity and will involve more Australians and more small businesses as we deliver and sustain leading edge Navy capability.

And on Day 1of PACIFIC 2019 Australia’s leading naval shipbuilding employers have signed a landmark Industry Strategic Workforce Plan that boosts Australia’s capability to continuously design, build, integrate and sustain its naval fleet.

According to the conference press release about this effort:

The Australian Government’s long term strategic plan and $90 billion investment in the nation’s naval shipbuilding industry have been the catalyst for this unprecedented collaboration.

The Plan has been implemented following ongoing collaboration between the Naval Shipbuilding College and five naval shipbuilding Primes – ASC, BAE Systems Australia/ASC Shipbuilding, Lockheed Martin Australia, Luerssen Australia, Naval Group Australia and SAAB Australia.

Chief Executive of the Naval Shipbuilding College Ian Irving said it details the national Naval Shipbuilding Enterprise’s pledge to work together to develop and retain a skilled workforce.

“Industry recognises it is stronger and will be more successful when operating collaboratively, in terms of workforce development in Australia,” Mr Irving said.

“It is very much a case of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. All the companies involved have skin in the game and are committed to working cooperatively to create a sovereign, naval shipbuilding workforce capability for Australia for generations to come.”

The Plan outlines the commitment of all signatories to develop a cost-effective Australian naval shipbuilding workforce capable of delivering current and future maritime acquisition and sustainment programs, including the Attack Class, Hunter Class and Arafura Class Programs.

Each industry partner continues to provide the Naval Shipbuilding College with workforce demand and skill set data. This will provide industry demand profiles outlining the needs of industry throughout the life of each Program.

As competition in the market continues to intensify the Naval Shipbuilding College and Industry will strengthen their engagement with training and education providers in every state and territory to help promote naval shipbuilding skills growth and assist vocational and tertiary sectors to respond to the rapid pace of changing technology across the industry.

The featured photo shows Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Mike Noonan AO, RAN, meeting Mr John Gessler and Mr Andrew James from Sonartech Atlas at Sea Power 19.



Bulgarian Cooperation

U.S. Army Soldiers conduct static line paradrop training with members of the Bulgarian Special Forces August 20, 2019, at Plovidiv, Bulgaria. Members of the 3rd Assault Helicopter Battalion, 1st Aviation Regiment facilitated the jumps and flew the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters that were used during the exercise.



Video by Pvt. Michael Ybarra

5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment

The First Rafale Transferred to the Indian Air Force: October 8, 2019


By Pierre Tran

Paris – Dassault Aviation played the host for an Oct. 8 ceremony for hand over of the first Rafale fighter jet to India, signaling a close military and industrial tie France seeks to deepen amidst stiff competition from Israel, Russia and the U.S.

The presence of Indian defense minister Rajnath Singh and his French counterpart, Florence Parly, pointed up the political significance of the deal, worth some €7.9 billion ($8.7 billion). The two ministers were due to hold in the evening a bilateral meeting and working dinner at Brienne House, the ministerial office in the capital.

India was one of France’s “principle strategic partners ,” as could be seen by Singh’s attending the delivery, the French armed forces ministry said in an Oct. 8 statement.  The French and Indian defense ministers would discuss bilateral cooperation and security in the Indo-Pacific region.

The first Rafale was delivered last month, but the ministers  flying down to Dassault’s plant at Merignac, near Bordeaux, point up the political capital invested in the Rafale deal.

That formal event will be held just 10 days ahead of Diwali, a five-day Hindu festival, when lamps, lanterns and candles are lit to mark victory of light over darkness, good over evil. India will be guest nation when France holds its book festival next March.

“This is very important,” said Tara Varma, policy fellow and head of the Paris office of European Council for Foreign Relations, a think-tank. The hand over is the “concrete realization” of a deal which took years to seal, after India switched in 2016 to a direct order for 36 Rafale and dropping acquisition of 126 fighters after holding a tender for medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA).

There have been allegations of corruption on the Rafale deal, which India and Dassault have denied.

France is in talks to sell more Rafales to India, looking to an announcement to be made in January when French president Emmanuel Macron visits India, business website La Tribune reported Oct. 7.

Macron’s visit will be his second trip to India in three years, pointing up the significance of ties to New Delhi, Varma said.

That presidential visit may reflect French hopes but it is not clear the Indian air force will meet that expectation, she said. India added last year a further €5.6 billion to the defense budget,  reflecting the need for anti-submarine warfare and combat helicopters, as well as more fighter jets,

The Indian navy seeks to acquire 57 carrier-based fighters, while the air force seeks a further 110 fighters.

France wants to be close to India, while New Delhi hedges its bets by buying arms from Israel, Russia and the U.S.

Israel is active in India and will supply equipment, including missiles, Varma said. The Indian air force will be armed with other weapons besides the Scalp cruise and Meteor long-range missile, she said.

Russia has supplied MiG and Sukhoi fighters to India, and has signed a deal for its S-400 surface-to-air missile.

The U.S. has shipped P-8 maritime patrol aircraft, and Apache attack and Chinook transport helicopters to equip the India services.

The Rafale will be fitted for flying nuclear weapons,  Indian business daily Economic Times has reported.

The delivery of the Rafale comes after Pakistan shooting down in February an Indian F-16 and capturing the pilot. The release and hand over of the Indian pilot helped calm some of the tension between the two nations long locked in regional dispute.

That armed clash raised Pakistan to the same high level of threat to India previously held by China, Varma said.

India and France foster close relations, including cultural ties. Macron met Modi in August at prestige-laden Chantilly castle for bilateral talks just ahead of the G-7 summit, to which the French president had invited the Indian political leader.

Those moves signal a “strategic partnership” of 21 years, an Indian official said.

Dassault has given “significant support” to India’s education and science policy by setting up an engineering center, a Dassault skill academy, and a vocational training program dubbed Aeronautical Structure and Equipment Fitter, the company said in a statement.

Dassault has also set up an assembly plant at Nagpur, central India, with its Indian joint venture partner Reliance. That site will build parts for the Dassault Falcon business jet and could allow final assembly for the Rafale, if a deal were struck.

Those investments are part of the offset deals required by the Make in India and Skill India programs set by New Delhi, seeking to boost the domestic economy.

India is a major market for weapons from the west and Russia.

The Indian naval market continues to grow, as the re-election of Modi in May led to early steps of a competition for six more diesel-electric boats, with challenging requirements.

French shipbuilder Naval Group has replied to India’s expression of interest in selecting a Strategic Partner to build six more submarines under the Project-75 (I) project.

Naval Group sold six Scorpene submarines in 2005 in a deal reported to be worth $3.5 billion.

The French company filed a “fully compliant and adapted response,” Soumyajyoti Basu, Naval Group’s country sales director for India, said Oct. 2. Indian shipyards have also submitted response to the expression of interest to be a local Strategic Partner.

India has set requirements for a stealthy submarine larger than the Scorpene, capable of land attack missiles, and extensive technology transfer for local assembly, he said.

The Indian government said in a June 20 statement the navy would have an option for six more submarines under the P-75 (I) project.

India will likely attract bids from Germany, South Korea, Spain and Russia, along with the French offer. The Indian defense ministry and navy will review the submissions, draw up a short list and send out a Request for Proposal.

Naval Group will pitch its F-21 weapon in an Indian tender for 98 heavy torpedoes, with a competition expected to be launched by the end of the year.

The shipbuilder is also offering extensive service packages.

The Indian Navy commissioned Sept. 28 its second Scorpene class submarine, the Khanderi, which follows the first of class Kalveri, commissioned in December 2017.

The Kalveri was delivered late, reflecting the need to regain expertise after a decade-long gap in building submarines. There was also tardy supply of subsystems and steel.

Delivery of the remaining four Scorpene boats is expected to be every nine to 12 months as from last month. The Indian navy will set the date for formal delivery and commissioning, as much depends on the monsoon, which hits the gulf off Mumbai on the Arabian sea.

India flies eight Poseidon P-8 anti-submarine warfare aircraft and ordered in 2016 four more units. An acquisition of a further 10 units has been approved.

European missile maker MBDA will supply missiles for the Indian Rafale and Mirage 2000H fighter jets, in a deal worth €710 million.

The Rafale will be armed with Mica air-to-air, Scalp cruise and Meteor long-range, air-to-air missiles.  The Mica will also arm the upgraded Mirage.

The Indian joint venture between MBDA and Larsen & Toubro will build those missiles.

“The MBDA missile warning system is based on an  infrared detector from Lynred,” said David Billon-Lanfrey, strategy director at the specialist in infrared technology.

In the Indian drive for local offset, the European missile builder signed Sept. 12 a memorandum of understanding with Bharat Dynamics Ltd, with the Indian partner taking up final assembly, integration and test of the Mistral and an advanced short-range, air-to-air missile. The latter, dubbed new generation close combat missile, will arm the Jaguar fighter.

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd will integrate the Mistral on the Dhruv helicopter and the light combat helicopter.

In land weapons, an Israeli company, Elbit, and its local partner Bharat won a contract estimated to be worth more than $1 billion  in the Trajan project for towed artillery, beating a rival offer from Nexter, a French firm.

Nexter awaits launch of a competition for India’s mounted gun system, a requirement set in 2010. The French state-owned company has teamed with Ashok Leyland to pitch its Caesar truck-mounted 155mm/52 caliber artillery for that prospective tender.

India’s military acquisition is part of its drive to foster domestic industry.

“The overall aim would be to progressively build indigenous capabilities in the private sector to design, develop and manufacture complex weapon systems for the future needs of the Armed Forces,” the Indian government said June 20.

“This will be an important step towards meeting broader national objectives, encouraging self reliance and aligning the defense sector with the ‘Make in India’ initiative of the government.”

The featured photos highlight the Rafale solo display which performed during the celebration of French strategic Forces 55th birthday, Saint Dizier FAF base, October 4th, 2019,

Photo credit: M. Delaporte


Chief of the Royal Australian Navy at the RAN Sea Power Conference 2019

Second Line of Defense is attending the Chief of Navy’s Seapower Conference 2019 being held in Sydney, Australia from October 8-10 2019,

We will have a number of stories generated from our participation.

A key aspect being highlighted by both the new Australian government and the Royal Australian Navy is the need to ramp up their presence in the Indo-Pacific region.

The demand side is going up while the Navy is working to recapitalize its force with the largest ramp up of Australian shipbuilding since the end of World War II.

In a story published by the Royal Australian Navy on October 8, 2019, Commander Feen Kemp highlighted the focus of the Chief of Navy at the Conference.

Australia’s enduring ties with the Pacific have dominated the agenda ahead of Navy’s Sea Power Conference, with a gathering of regional maritime leaders in Sydney.

The Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Mike Noonan, joined delegates from almost a dozen Pacific nations yesterday to discuss a number of shared regional issues relating to maritime security.

Vice Admiral Noonan saidthe Pacific Maritime Security Program represents a long-term commitment by Australia to the Pacific.

“Navy has long enjoyed a deep and respectful relationship with our Pacific neighbours,” Vice Admiral Noonan said.

“Today’s meeting has focused us all on the importance of a strong, independent and secure region.”

Vice Admiral Noonan joined the Defence Minister Linda Reynolds to host the roundtable, which sought input from visiting delegates on how to further strengthen regional maritime security.

Australia’s rollout of Guardian-class Patrol Boats remains on schedule, with the vessels set to play an increasingly important role in maintaining security in the Pacific region.

The Pacific Maritime Security Program is just one of a number of initiatives contributing to Pacific security.

“Australia’s engagement in the Pacific is one of our highest priorities because the Pacific is our home,” Vice Admiral Noonan said.

“This meeting, and the discussions we will have at Sea Power 2019 this week, will help all sides work together to maintain a prosperous region,” he said.

The highlighted photo shows delegates, including the Minister for Defence, Senator Linda Reynolds, and the Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Mike Noonan, at the Pacific Maritime Security Partnership event at the 2019 Sea Power Conference. Photo: Able Seaman Ryan McKenzie



Training in Australia


U.S. Marines with 3rd Battalion, 12th Marine Regiment, a part of Marine Rotational Force – Darwin (MRF-D), conduct live-fire during Exercise Southern Reach at Bradshaw Field Training Area, Australia, August 15, 2019. Southern Reach is the first time HIMARS have participated in the robust MRF-D training schedule.



Video by Cpl. Kallahan Morris

Marine Rotational Force Darwin