Risk Intelligence has been a partner with Second Line of Defense since the beginning of the existence of our website. The CEO Hans Tino Hansen has provided strategic insights in supporting our work in Denmark and the Nordics, where SLD has placed considerable focus of attention over the years. He…
By Paul Bracken The second nuclear age wasn’t supposed to happen. That’s the crux of the problem. Nuclear rivalry was a defining feature of the first nuclear age, the Cold War. In the 1990s and 2000s it seemed to many people that repeating this a second time around, after the…
On August 23, 2018, the Williams Foundation held its latest seminar, this one on independent strike. The seminar represents a next phase of examination of the way ahead for the ADF. Over the past five years, the seminars have focused on the introduction of the F-35 and the generation of new…
By Brian Morra Discussions in recent days with friends and family indicate that few have a clue as to why establishing a US Space Force might actually be a good idea. Allow me to offer a few reasons: (1) Good government and governance: currently, military space capability is diffused amongst…
The RAAF has taken delivery of its ninth F-35A Joint Strike Fighter and the first to be taken on strength by its first operational flying unit to fly the jet, No 3 Squadron. F-35A A35-009 was delivered to Luke Air Force Base, Arizona where it was accepted by 3QSN in…
Jonathan Katzellenbogen The UK says it is making a renewed effort to build defence partnerships with South Africa. This comes after a lull in defence cooperation between the two countries in the wake of the delivery of equipment in the early 2000s, when BAE Systems supplied the Hawk and, together…
By Robbin Laird In my discussions at Penten, I learned of a very innovative approach to providing for the security for mobile systems. They have developed an approach which allows the user to connect with a variety of security systems through a very innovative USB device which allows a mobile…
By Robbin Laird As Australia looks to expand its sovereign options, expanding the reach of its reconnaissance-strike enterprise is a key tool set to do so. As presenters suggested at the Williams Foundation conference, it was less a question of reaching and striking deep into potential adversaries’ territory and more…