Sabre Strike 17 Exercises Collective Defense

06/22/2017: Exercise Saber Strike 17 is a US Army Europe led multinational training exercise that is meant to build the interoperability of US forces and their NATO partners. TX, UNITED STATES 06.16.2017 Video by Sgt. Samuel De Leon 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment WIESBADEN, Germany -- Saber Strike 17 is this year's…

IT Supply Chain Vulnerabilities from China

2017-06-16 By Danny Lam East Asia has played a role in the US / World microelectronics supply chain since the end of WWII, beginning with production of equipment for the U.S. forces occupying Japan, later assembly operations in places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and when PRC…

Indian Navy Visits Capetown

2017-06-22 by Dean Wingrin, defenceWeb In the final stages of a three-and-a-half month, two ocean goodwill and naval exercise mission, Indian Naval Ship (INS) Tarkash arrived in Table Bay Harbour, Cape Town, on Wednesday morning. The relationship between India and South Africa dates back two centuries, with three Indian Navy ships…

Paris Airshow June 21 and 22, 2017

2017-06-22  In the slideshows for yesterday's and today's activities at the Paris Air Show, we have several photos provided by ParisAirShow.TV. The following aircraft are highlighted in the photos for yesterday: AN132-D Antonov F-35A A380 Wow Aircraft Airbus Drone Aircraft A400M Airbus Harfang UAV. [maxgallery id="98185"] The following aircraft are highlighted…