Danes Send an Advanced Warship to the Mediterranean: Operating as Part of the Bush Strike Group

2017-03-06 HDMS PETER WILLEMOES is now part of GEORGE H.W. BUSH strike group in the Mediterranean. The video below (in Danish) shows the ship leaving Denmark and joining the Bush task force. http://www.forsvaret.tv/#!/video/30602767 HDMS Peter Willemoes is a Royal Danish warship built for 21st century combat, equipped with sophisticated detection systems…

An Update on HMAS Arunta in Operation MANITOU

2017-03-05 HMAS Arunta operates as part of the multi-national Combined Maritime Forces, predominately tasked to support Combined Task Force 150 for counter-terrorism and maritime security operations. Arunta is deployed on Operation MANITOU, supporting international efforts to promote maritime security, stability and prosperity in the Middle East region (MER). Arunta is on…

President Trump and Rethinking the American Approach to the Global Nuclear Order

2017-03-03 By Richard Weitz President Donald Trump’s February 23 interview with Reuters has understandably garnered much attention. Among other matters, he advocated a tougher U.S. stance on nuclear nonproliferation, nuclear weapons, and other security issues. Regarding nonproliferation, Trump reiterated his opposition to the 2014 Iran nuclear pact and maintained that…

The Perspective on the Way Ahead from the Norwegian Air Force: Meeting the Challenge of Integrated High Intensity Operations

2017-02-24 By Robbin Laird During the Norwegian Airpower Conference held at Trondheim in early February 2017, I had a chance to discuss with the new Chief the Royal Norwegian Air Force, Major General Tonje Skinnarland, and Brigadier General Jan Ove Rygg, chief of the National Air Operations Center (NAOC) their…

UK Invests in Scottish Airbases

2017-02-25 Second Line of Defense has visited several RAF bases over the past few years. Last year, we produced a report on one of those bases, RAF Lossiemouth, which is to receive P-8s as well as to operate Typhoons. New operational capabilities will require significant upgrades to the base to execute their missions.…

Patrouille de France Returns to Visit the United States: Supported by the A400M

2017-03-02 The Patrouille Acrobatique de France also known as the Patrouille de France or PAF, is the precision aerobatic demonstration team of the French Air Force. Originating in 1931, it is the world's oldest and one of the most skilled demonstration teams. Pilots currently fly the Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet. According to a press release by the French Air Force…