Shakespeare at 400

2016-04-21 By Kenneth Maxwell April 23, 2016, will mark the four hundred years since the death of William Shakespeare in Stratford-upon-Avon. There will be many celebrations. Not only was Shakespeare the greatest writer in the English language. He has also been gloriously translated into many foreign languages, including most notably into Portuguese by the great Brazilian…

The Way Ahead for the Joint Land Combat Force: The Perspective of the Australian Army Chief, Lt. General Angus Campbell

2016-04-20 By Robbin Laird The well-regarded chief of the Australian Army, Lt. General Angus Campbell, weighed in on the future of the Australian Army in the joint environment in two presentations recently in Canberra. The first was during the RAAF’s 2016 Air Power Conference and the second was during the…

The Australian Army Modernizes for the 21st Century Battlespace: An Interview with Brigadier General Chris Mills, Australian Army

2016-04-16 By Robbin Laird The current Chief of Staff of the Army, Lt. General Angus Campbell and Brigadier General Chris Mills, Director General, Army Modernization provided the Australian Army perspective on the evolving framework for air-land integration under the impact of evolving technologies at the Williams Foundation seminar. The Chief…

An Update on Plan Jericho From the Perspective of Jericho Dawn: A Discussion with Group Captains Campbell and Mitchell

2016-04-15  By Robbin Laird During the Airpower Conference hosted by the Chief of Staff of the Royal Australian Air Force, the co-leaders of the Plan Jericho project, Group Captains Andrew “Jake” Campbell and Peter Mitchell, provided an update on the Plan Jericho effort. And the approach permeated the discussion at…