Pax River F-35 Integrated Test Team Launches the Joint Standoff Weapon in the Atlantic Test Ranges

2016-03-31  According to a Joint Program Office Press Release, a new weapon has been added to the bow for the F-35 as the archer. An F-35C Lightning II launched its first AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) over the Atlantic Test Ranges on 23 March. Test aircraft, CF-05, cleanly released the 1,000-pound air-to-surface…

Mastering the Reshaping of the Joint Force Capability Puzzle: A Discussion with Air Marshal Davies of the Royal Australian Air Force

2016-04-01 By Robbin Laird During my March 2016 visit to Australia to attend the Airpower Conference on Multi-Domain Integration and the Williams Foundation Seminar on New Approaches to Air-Land Integration, I had a chance to meet with Air Marshal Davies throughout those sessions and then to meet at his office…

The Australian Prime Minister Weighs in on the Global Terrorist Threat: And the ADF Exercises Its Counter-Terrorism Capabilities

03/31/2016: When visiting Australia in March 2016, the Brussels terrorism events had a major impact on the debate in Australia about how to deal with the terrorist threat closer to home. The Prime Minister of Australia gave a hard hitting speech which highlighted a tough immigration policy coupled with enhanced counter-terrorism…

Lt. Col. Raja Chari Talks About the Way Ahead with the F-35: The Renorming of Airpower Seen from Edwards

2016-03-24 By Edward Timperlake and Robbin Laird An organization is known by the individuals that make it successful, and there is no more demanding organization than a Combat Fighter Squadron. To become a successful fighter pilot it all begins with their first tour Squadron experience in beginning their personal journey…