2016-05-17 Recently, Denmark selected the F-35 as their next combat aircraft in an open competition with Eurofighter and Super Hornet. Not only did they select the F-35, they have released public information with regard to that selection process and how they reached their decision. In the Question and Answer session held…
2016-05-19 "An Australian-United States team has successfully completed an experimental hypersonic flight at the Woomera Test Range. The experimental rocket reached an apogee of 278 km, achieving the targeted speed of Mach 7.5 (seven and a half times the speed of sound). The experimental flight was undertaken as part of…
2016-05-15 By Robbin Laird In April 2015, the Sir Richard Williams Foundation of Australia cohosted a symposium on Integrating Innovative Airpower with the Centre for Military Studies at the University of Copenhagen. The symposium was being held as the Danes were being threatened by the Russians in rather dramatic terms…
2016-05-18 This year, the Indian Air Force flew to Alaska for the next round of Red Flag Exercises in 2016. As Peter van den Berg commented in his article on Indian participation in the exercise: "The decision to take part in the RF-A became definite in 2015. The units have…
2016-05-13 By Ed Timperlake With President Obama visiting Vietnam, it is now time for a celebration of a very successful bipartisan pro-bono effort to help build elementary schools in Vietnam. The late Jack Wheeler upon hearing of Lew Puller Jr ‘s tragic suicide challenged us all to build enough schools…
05/16/2016: NAVAL SUPPORT FACILITY DEVESELU, Romania Video depicting inside the Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System (AAMDS), the deckhouse and a Vertical Launch System (VLS) at NAVAL SUPPORT FACILITY DEVESELU, Romania. The AAMDS uses a nearly identical configuration of the Vertical Launch System, fire control system, and SPY-1 radar currently in use…
2016-05-12 By Robbin Laird During my visit to the United Kingdom in May 2016, I had a chance to meet with Air Commodore Harvey Smyth and members of the RAF Lightning Force team. Air Commodore Smyth was the Tornado Force commander and has been involved with the F-35 program throughout…
2016-05-12 By Robbin Laird I returned to the European Air Group on April 27, 2016 to participate in their latest working group session of 4th/5th generation aircraft integration. Here the continued focus is upon how the coming of the F-35 is part of the reshaping of European airpower and enabling…