Transforming Jointness: Lt. General (Retired) Deptula Looks at the Way Ahead for Combat Innovation

2015-11-12  By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake On November 5, 2015, Lt. General (Retired) Deptula testified in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee. The key topic was the challenge of revisiting the roles and missions of the Armed Forces. This is especially crucial because of the more than decade long…

Shaping a Way Ahead for the 21st Century Air Combat Enterprise: An Australian Perspective on the Italian First Flight

2015-11-13 By Robbin Laird The first flight of Italian F-35 pilots occurred on November 5, 2015. The two pilots flew a USAF and a RAAF jet. The flight aboard the Australian jet highlighted the role of the partners in the F-35 program, and a harbinger of things to come. As…

Italian F-35 Pilots First Flight

The impact of the F35 as a global coalition capability is clear to the professionals who are shaping airpower modernization. For example, the head of the Italian Air Force, Lt. General Preziosa hammered home the point of how significant the impact of the F-35 was in a recent interview in…