2015-06-03 By Robbin Laird As published by our partner India Strategic http://www.indiastrategic.in/topstories3766_A_Tale_of_Three_Carriers.htm Newport News, Pascagoula, Mississippi, and Rosyth Scotland. In the famous opening lines of Charles Dickens Tale of Two Cities, he noted that “it was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” So it is for…
2015-06-06 By Captain (Dr) Gurpreet S Khurana New Delhi. In comparison to the Defence White Papers published by China in the preceding years, the 2014 document is very concise. Nonetheless, it reveals substantial content and context, disproportionate to the size of its text. While much of the revelation is likely…
2015-06-06 On June 4, 2015, Defence Minister Pinotti testified before the joint Italian House and Senate Foreign Affairs and Defence Committees with regard to the recently released White Paper. According to a piece published on the Italian MoD website on June 4th: The White Paper is a concrete initiative of…
2015-06-06 According to a piece published on the South Korean Ministry of Defence website on May 28, 2015, the South Korean navy working with allies is shaping more effective defense capabilities by maritime forces. Our Navy has improved combined operation capability during the pass exercise with a multi-national Navy. The…
2015-05-29 By Robbin Laird The continuous sorties of F-35Bs aboard on the USS Wasp on May 26, 2015 witnessed by visitors from the foreign and the U.S. press was almost numbing. There are six planes aboard the ship, 4 from the Green Knights squadron at Yuma and 2 from the…
2015-05-29 The Marines are the core customers for the V-22. And no military force in the world is more demanding of versatility than the USMC. A good example is how the Marines have driven multi-mission capabilities from their KC-130Js with the harvest hawk system. Here the tanker/lifter becomes weaponized and…
2015-06-02 By Robbin Laird When I first encountered maintainers of the Osprey several years ago at New River, North Carolina, those pioneers referred to themselves as members of the Osprey nation. As the Osprey became a reality for the USMC, and many Ospreys joined those early few, the term would…
2015-05-31 By Robbin Laird and Murielle Delaporte During the visit to the Boeing V-22 Osprey factory at Boeing’s Philadelphia site, we had a chance to sit down with the Vice President of Boeing Tiltrotor Programs, Kristin Robertson. Prior to her current role, she was the Deputy Program Manager of the…