2015-02-08 Copenhagen Air Power Symposium Denmark will soon integrate new combat jets into its military. This symposium will discuss how medium and small air forces such as those of Denmark, Australia, the UK, and the USMC can use new airpower capabilities to generate innovative concepts of operations that increase joint…
2015-02-04 By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake We had a chance to visit the USAF Warfare Center at Nellis AFB on the 15th and 16th of January. On January 15th, we attended the ceremony for the arrival of the fifth F-35A at Nellis, but the first one fully configured for…
2015-02-16 The F-35 will be operated by the US and its allies worldwide. The planning from the beginning has been to build and deploy an aircraft to operate within the wide variety of climatic conditions which such a fleet from the outset would encounter. Norway can expect to fly in…
2015-02-16 Australia, Italy, the UK, the Netherlands and Norway are all hitting new milestones as the F-35 comes closer to entering their combat forces. Australia, the Netherlands and the Italians will all train at Luke AFB with the Aussies being the first to arrive, the Dutch next month and the…
2015-02-16 By Kenneth Maxwell The secrets of HSBC were painfully revealed last week by the Washington based "International Consortium of Investigative Reporters" (ICIJ). Working with an international team of 140 journalists in 45 countries, the leaked documentation, reveals how HSBC's (Suisse) Private Bank, helped wealthy customers conceal billions of dollars of assets: Over 100,000 accounts worth almost US$…
2015-02-15 The main mission profile of the Juan Carlos I class LHD is power projection to any theater of operation. As an amphibious assault ship, it can transport a battalion-sized unit of 1,000 troops along with 150 vehicles, including battle tanks, for a marine landing. Even more significantly, the Juan…
2015-02-14 Australia’s Air Task Group (ATG) consisting of six RAAF F/A-18F Super Hornets, an E-7A Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft and a KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport aircraft continue to support Operation OKRA with missions in Iraq. Nearly 400 personnel have deployed to the Middle East as part, or…
2015-02-14 By Stephen Blank Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine and the forms that it has taken since February 2014 have caused commentators across the globe to label it as a manifestation of hybrid war. Frank Hoffman of the National Defense University originated this concept in a series of publications going…