The Norwegian Defense Minister Explains Why Norway Went to RIMPAC 2014

2014-07-24 Earlier we published a piece addressed Norwegian participation in RIMPAC 2014. Norway was joined by China and India as first time RIMPAC participants. What follows below is the official Norwegian government explanation for its participation in the Pacific exercise by the Norwegian Defense Minister. Speech at RIMPAC 2014…

Expeditionary Logistics: Putting the F-35 Effort Into a Global Context

2014-07-23 It is clear from much of the policy discussion surrounding the F-35 that it is difficult for folks to wrap their minds around what a global support structure might look like. What also makes the discussion difficult is to understand what a F-35 fleet deployed on national territories, on…

Harvest Hawk in Afghanistan: 2012

07/22/2014: VMGR-252 Squadron utilizes the KC-130J aircraft as the Harvest Hawk to support ground units in Afghanistan aboard Kandahar Air Field, Jan. 21, 2012. Credit: Regional Command Southwest:1/25/12 In a story written by Cpl. Issac Lamberth and published on March 26, 2012, a broad overview on the Harvest Hawk deployed…

The Downing of a Malaysian Airliner over Ukraine: A Regional Crisis Impacts the West – Shaping a European Response

2014-07-20 By Robbin Laird It started with a crisis in Ukraine; it then became a Russian invasion of Ukraine and “taking back its legitimate territory” from the Putin-led Russian perspective. It has continued with an intermittently savage conflict on Ukrainian territory with Russia ratcheting up pressure and fostered in part…