2014-09-02 by Harald Malmgren Xi Jinping has already successfully reconfigured China’s Politburo and its Politburo Standing Committee (PSC). He has also set in motion a massive corruption purge of the Chinese domestic state security apparatus, starting with its head, Zhou Yongkang, and including several hundred other national and local officials.…
2014-09-11 By Robbin Laird Recently, the French government has suspended delivery of the Mistral amphibious ship to Russia. In a story published by France 24 on September 9, 2014: France on Wednesday suspended the first of two controversial Mistral-class warship deliveries to Russia, saying “conditions” were not in place as…
2014-09-19 By Atle Mesoy The civil wars raging in Syria and Iraq have created a new situation for global security. One of the most critical challenges is the effect of foreign fighters involved in the war who have been fighting in support of the Islamic State (ISIS). The foreign fighters…
2014-09-18 by Kenneth Maxwell Today, the 18th September 2014, Scotland votes in a referendum on Independence. The public opinion polls agree on only one thing: The outcome is too close to call. The "No" to independence camp is slightly in the lead. But between 6% to 10% say they are still undecided. A turnout…
2014-09-16 The arrival of the USS America in San Diego marks the completion of a two-month transit around South America from Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula, Miss. America is the first ship of its class, replacing the Tarawa-class of amphibious assault ships. As the next generation "big-deck" amphibious assault ship, America…
2014-09-13 According to The Nordic Page a Multinational F-35-Summit to be held in Oslo on 25 September 2014. This is the first time the leaders of the multinational F-35-program will meet in Norway. This happens as all nine partner nations in the program assemble in Oslo for their second JSF…
2014-09-12 Paramount Group has signed a joint venture agreement with Azerbaijan’s AirTechServices Corporation to form Paramount Aerospace Azerbaijan, which will offer manufacturing capabilities for the modernization and enhancement of helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. The new company was announced in Baku yesterday during the Azerbaijan Defence Expo (ADEX). Paramount said…
2014-09-11 By Team India Strategic New Delhi. September has come this year with some delayed rainfall and a tidal wave of diplomatic engagements for the Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi. Within a month, Modi would have blitzed through summits with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe, Australia PM Tony Abbott and US…