Innovation Inside the Bureaucracy

2014-07-16 By Lieutenant General Ted F. Bowlds USAF (ret) To those who believe innovation inside the government, within the walls of the Pentagon bureaucracy is impossible, I am here to tell you it can happen. It requires only two ingredients. The first key ingredient is the entrepreneur, the innovator, and…

USNS Montford Point at RIMPAC 2014

2014-07-14 By James Marconi, Military Sealift Command As RIMPAC heads into its underway phase off the coast of Hawaii, USNS Montford Point (MLP 1) tested its state-of-the-art sea basing capabilities 2,500 miles away in San Diego, as part of RIMPAC’s Southern California element. From July 8-10, Montford Point participated in…

The Marines Test the LCAC Replacement: The Ultra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connector (UHAC)

2014-07-11 The Ultra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connector (UHAC) begins to rotate on the beach, July 9, at Marine Corps Training Area Bellows on Oahu, Hawaii during a Marine Corps Advanced Warfighting Experiment. The AWE is the culmination of a decade of progressive experimentation conducted by the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab (MCWL)…