The Future of Large UAVs for Security and Military Operations: A Danish Perspective

2014-06-09 Our new strategic partner, the Centre for Military Studies, Department of Political Science of the University of Copenhagen, published two pieces earlier this year addressing the question of the potential role of large unmanned aerial vehicles for Danish security and defense forces in the years ahead. The reports provided…

European Defense, the Arctic and the Future: An E-Book

We have just published an E-book version of our recent Special Report highlighting Danish perspectives on the Northern European security situation. The report is based on exclusive interviews with Danish experts conducted in Copenhagen in May 2014. In this Special Report, Second Line of Defense looks at the evolving defense…

The Centre for Military Studies: A New Strategic Partner

2014-06-06 The SLD team welcomes its new strategic partner, the Centre for Military Studies of the University of Copenhagen. The Centre for Military Studies is Part of the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen. The Centre currently is focusing on the following research areas: The Arctic, Global…

The Russian Pivot: Posing Some Questions

2014-06-06 In the most recent Russia Direct Monthly Memo (#11 June 2014), Vassily Kashin, Senior Research Fellow at the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies focuses on what he terms “Russia Reorients to the Orient.” The Ukrainian crisis marks an important moment in Russian-Chinese relations, catalyzing the creation…