NATO-Russia Relations: The Beginning

2013-06-20 by Richard Weitz The end of the Cold War confrontation between Moscow and the West simultaneously created an environment favorable for improved Russian-Western relations and established conditions that made conflict likely. On the one hand, the July 1991 dissolution of the integrated Warsaw Pact, held together by the Soviet…

Osprey Mates with Japanese Ship

2013-06-19 By Sgt. James Mecure AT SEA - The U.S. Marines made their first landing with an MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor helicopter aboard a Japanese Ship, June 14, 2013. The landing is significant because it provides another avenue of approach during any future humanitarian and disaster relief operations in the region.…

The F-35, Tanking and the Fleet

06/18/2013:  By Robbin Laird In these photos provided by the 33rd Fighter Wing, F-35As are being tanked by a KC-135.  The photos were shot from the tanker during the tanking operation. Earlier this year, I wrote a piece in the Canadian journal Front Line Defence on the F-35 and tanking,…

“Turbo” Tomassetti Reflects on the Future of the F-35: And Looks Back at the Past Thirty Years

2013-06-18 Colonel “Turbo” Tomassetti is retiring after a distinguished 30-year career as a USMC aviator. To both honor and to learn from “Turbo,” Second Line of Defense travelled to the 33rd Fighter Wing, where “Turbo” retired as Vice Commander. We are going to publish three articles based on the interview…

China and the G-8: The Way Ahead

2013-06-15 by Richard Weitz Why is the People’s Republic of China not a member of the Group of Eight (G-8) industrial countries, who are holding their 39th annual heads-of-state summit in Northern Ireland on June 17? China has the world’s largest population and second-largest national economy. The PRC belongs to…

The Maturing of the Osprey and the Enablement of Special Purpose MAGTFS

[slidepress gallery='usmc-special-purpose-magtf'] Recently, we had a chance to speak with Brigadier General James S. O'Meara currently serves as commander, U.S. Marine  Forces Europe, and deputy commander, U.S. Marine Forces Africa about the newly formed Special Purpose or SP MAGTF. To give a sense of what the SP MAGTF is…