Shaping an Allied BMD Approach

2013-05-04 by Richard Weitz  During the past decade, the United States has made considerable progress in addressing these missile threats through augmenting U.S. and allied missile defenses. In Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, the United States has been working to establish the foundation for a regional missile defense system…

Italy and the F-35: The Program, the FACO and The Coming of the Meteor Missile

2013-05-03 As Singapore gets closer to announcing its F-35B downselect decision, it is important to underscore the key role, which Italy has played in the program and in building a carrier on which the airplane will operate. As the  F-35 “club” expands, significant effects will come from the ability to work…

Bold Alligator 2013: 21st Century Flexibility for a Spectrum of Missions

2013-05-03 Last year, Second Line of Defense covered Bold Alligator 2012 from many angles: the French, coalition partners, the USMC, the Expeditionary Strike Group, etc. The final report we produced has been downloaded by many of our readers. This year’s exercise is a synthetic exercise, meaning that real world…