The Missing Coalition Perspective in the US Defense Spending Debate

The Super Tucano Case   Photo credit:   11/09/2011 - A significant irony in the current U.S. defense budgetary cost cutting debate is the absence of consideration for U.S. exports. Although the President expressed his vision of a significant expansion of exports, defense is not part of this vision.…

Turkey and the Kurdish Question

11/06/2011 - by Richard Weitz A month ago, the International Crisis Group (ICG) released a report entitled, “Turkey: Ending The PKK Insurgency,” which offered sensible advice regarding how to make progress resolving Turkey’s Kurdish issue. The thrust of their recommendations was to move the struggle for Kurdish rights from the…

Return of the Russian Aircraft Carrier?

11/06/2011 - by Richard Weitz The Russian media is now reporting that the Russian Navy leadership has recommended building two aircraft carrier battle groups by 2027. One would serve in the Northern Fleet (for deployment primarily in the Atlantic Ocean) and one with the Pacific Fleet. Navy leaders considered but…

Pacific Strategy XVII: The Way Ahead

11/01/2011 We have laid out several key building blocks for a new Pacific strategy which leverages the new platforms we are building now or about to build.  We also believe that the approach we have laid out allows the United States to take the best of what we are currently…

Pacific Strategy XVI: Weaponizing the Honeycomb

11/01/2011 One of the greatest strength’s America has is to dream great dreams. Nowhere is this more evident in our pushing the envelope in aeronautical and space research. A robust debate is always going on in professional and scientific journals about the next generation of aircraft and technology. It would…