Osprey Works with Royal Navy Auxiliary Fleet

According to an article published on May 19, 2021 by the Royal Navy, an Osprey aircraft operated with the RFA Mounts Bay in a historic first operation. Amphibious ship RFA Mounts Bay has become the first Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessel to operate with the US military’s unique Osprey ‘tiltrotor’ aircraft…

The Allied JFC Norfolk: Second Fleet’s Portal to NATO Navies

By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake As the U.S. Navy works its 21st century approach to fighting as a distributed but integrated fleet, a key element of success in doing so will be its ability to work more effectively with allied navies as they evolve as well.  As the maritime…

The Challenge of Preparing for Future Operations for 2nd MEF

By Robbin Laird II Marine Expeditionary Force supports service and Combatant Commander’s initiative as required. At the same time, II MEF is in transition and must focus on preparing for future operations, and shape new ways to do so while being able to operate now. This is hardly an easy…

CH-53Ks at VMX-1: Update May 2021

VMX-1 at New River is preparing the CH-53K for its entry into service. The CH-53K will replace the CH-53E “Super Stallion,” which has served the Marine Corps for 40 years, and will transport Marines, heavy equipment and supplies during ship-to-shore movement in support of amphibious assault and subsequent operations ashore.…

A Logistics Perspective on II MEF Transformation

By Robbin Laird As the Marines work with the U.S. Navy to reshape capabilities for the maritime fight, two key elements for successfully doing so are the right kind of C2 for distributed integrated operations and logistical capabilities to support such a force. The logistics piece is not an afterthought,…

Naval Group in Australia and the Future Submarine Program: A May 2021 Update

By Pierre Tran Paris - Naval Group has appointed Lilian Braylé as executive vice-president to run the Australian program to build 12 ocean-going Attack class submarines, the French shipbuilder said May 11. “Lilian Brayle will join Naval Group on 31 May as executive vice-president for the Australian Future Submarine Program,”…