C2 Modernization: An Essential Element for 21st Century Force Structure Innovation

2016-01-02 By Robbin Laird Although the notion of C5ISR has taken hold, the concept can confuse more than it clarifies. C2 is become an essential element for force structure transformation, rather than focusing excessively on the ISR, or collection of information to inform decisions. The shift from the kinds of…

HMAS Perth Undocking Timelapse

12/28/2015: HMAS PERTH is being undocked following the completion of the docking phase of IMAV 06 at the AMCCUF at Henderson WA. Whilst docked major maintenance tasks have been conducted on the ships underwater fittings and appendages as well as the ships hull receiving new antifoul coatings. Production work will…

The Sea Services Transform Their Reach, Punch and Impact in the Extended Battlespace

2015-12-23 By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake There is a growing literature on the challenges to U.S. forces facing more difficult combat conditions as competitors and adversaries enhance their capabilities. The anti-access, area denial challenge, in particular, has been a key theme as the sea services face the future; but…