The Aussie Wedgetail and Air Battle Management in Red Flag 2014

2014-02-28 Second Line of Defense is currently visiting the Pacific and soon will visit the Wedgetail squadron, which currently operates from RAAF Base Williamtown, near Newcastle, New South Wales. During the exercise AWACS and Wedgetail played the core command and control role and F-22s in Alaska (which includes one flown by…

Final F-22 Sorties at Holloman AFB

02/23/2014: Final F-22 Sorties at Holloman AFB  by Senior Airman Colin Cates 49th Wing Public Affairs  1/10/2014 - HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, N.M  Off they go into the wild blue yonder, climbing high into the sun, the first five F-22 Raptors left Holloman for Tyndall Air Force Base Fla., Jan. 6, as…

Osprey CASEVAC Exercise

02/23/2014: U.S. Marines and Navy Corpsmen with 2nd Marine Aircraft (Forward) conduct a casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) rehearsal from Helmand Province, Afghanistan on March 31, 2013. The rehearsal was executed in order to train and prepare Marines and Sailors for a real CASEVAC scenario.  The Osprey provides significant advantages versus helos for…

The Next Phase of Air Power: Crafting and Enabling the Aerospace Combat Cloud

2014-02-23 by Robbin Laird No platform fights alone.  Technology is increasingly playing a forcing function for significantly greater integration among combat elements in shaping core combat capabilities. The digital enablement of key combat platforms – missile defense, combat air, unmanned systems, ground force connectivity via data links – is providing…

RED FLAG 14 Aircraft Highlights

2014-02-14  Red Flag gives aircrews and air support operations service members from various airframes, military services and allied countries an opportunity to integrate and practice combat operations. More than 440,000 service members participated in RED FLAG since 1975, including more than 145,000 aircrew members flying more than 385,000 sorties and…

The SP-MAGTF CR: Training for Scalability

2014-02-11 by Murielle Delaporte [slidepress gallery='rope-training-for-sp-magtf-insertion'] The evacuation of several hundred US and non US citizens in early January 2014 from South Sudan has been a success based on at least three principles: decide and act quickly; prepare and train appropriately alone and with allies; work with and rely on regional…