[slidepress gallery='visiting-the-wedgetail-squadron-at-williamtown-raaf-base-australia'] 2014-03-07 The Aussies entered the 21st century with an aging Air Force. The silver lining in that difficult position is that as the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) began to modernize, they could do so within the context of new 21st century capabilities. The process really began by…
2014-03-09 By Robbin Laird It is clear that the F-35 global enterprise is a unique enabler of the entire re-set of US and allied airpower. Yet this crucial and even central reality is hardly recognized in the mounds or should one say piles of commentary on the F-35 program. And indeed,…
2014-03-12 by Robbin Laird I attended a seminar held by The Williams Foundation yesterday in Canberra, Australia. The focus of the seminar was on Air Combat Operations: 2025 and Beyond. The core emphasis was on the impact of the F-35 on reshaping the Australian combat approach appropriate to the challenges,…
2014-03-06 By Robbin Laird During a visit to PACOM in late February 2014, I had the chance to interview the Commanding General of the 94th Army Air and Missile Defense Command located at Fort Shafter near Honolulu, Brig. Gen. Daniel Karbler. Notably, if you look at his background you see…
2014-03-11 By defenceWeb 28 Squadron is widely recognized as one of the hardest working units in the SA Air Force (SAAF) with its more than 50-year-old C-130BZs routinely providing logistic support across the country and the continent. One of its other missions is search and rescue and training in this aspect…
03/04/2014: Second Line of Defense is visiting Australia and discussing with the Australian Air Force some of their modernizations in shaping new capabilities for Australian and Pacific defense. Clearly, one such new capability is the 5-ship squadron of A330MRTT tankers, or the KC-30A. The host for the visit to Amberly…
03/06/2014: Second Line of Defense visited the Wedgetail squadron on March 6, 2014 and discussed the standup of the Wedgetail squadron and its initial roll out and path towards changes in the RAAF capabilities over time. A report on the discussion along with the key themes generated from that discussion…
2014-02-20 by Murielle Delaporte As the preparation of the next NATO Summit in Wales early September heats up, French Air Force General Paloméros was in Washington during the last week of January for a Transatlantic Forum organized by Allied Command Transformation (ACT) with CSIS, which focus was on "Rebalancing and Reinforcing…