2014-01-16 It took a while for the KC-130J to work out its wrinkles. But by 2002, the new plane entered into USMC operations. This preceded the Osprey by five years, but the maturing of the Osprey and its pairing with the KC-130J is shaping a new long range force insertion capability.…
2014-01-15 The recent Forager Fury II exercise was a test of the ability of the USMC, USAF and the USN to surge forces into key objective areas in the Western Pacific. According to a story Airman 1st Class Emily A. Bradley, 36th Wing Public Affairs published on December 17, 2013:…
2014-01-15 The USCG is struggling to recapitalize its cutter fleet. The National Security Cutter is an effective ship as part of a maritime security package but will not be bought in the numbers required for the USCG’s global role. The smaller cutter, the Offshore Patrol Cutter, is struggling even to…
2014-01-15 By Michael W. Wynne 21st Secretary of the United States Air Force Welcome to a new year in the world of design and development of Air Superiority; and therefore Concepts of Air Warfare. Over the past several years, while the United States was unilaterally giving up its clear advantage…
2014-01-15 Case 3: Shaping A Distributed Operations Force for the Pacific The United States is in the midst of its Pivot to the Pacific. The U.S. Marine Corps is in many ways the pivoting force for the pivot. The USMC is really at the center of the pivot to the…
2014-01-13 By Murielle Delaporte Case: 2 The Role of Expeditionary Logistics in Shaping New Combat Capabilities The revolution in logistics seen in air and maritime support for ground forces can reshape how these forces operate. The French experience in Mali provides a case in point. The French forces were requested…
2014-01-11 Case 1: The Role of COIN Air Forces in Shaping Partnership Possibilities In the debate over the acquisition of the Light Attack Aircraft for the Afghan forces, a key opportunity to shape a 21st century option may be missed. A light attack aircraft, like the Super Tucano, when combined with…
01/11/2014: The name means Strong as the Sun. The carrier as pictured is in transit to its homeport of Karwar on the western coast. The vessel is seen in the Arabian Sea under escort by INS Viraat, an earlier but upgraded carrier and other ships of the Western fleet. It…