Why The Pacific Strategy Requires A Western Hemisphere Energy Policy

2013-01-11 By Robbin Laird Energy security is a key element of national security. The missing piece of America's energy security policy, in turn, is the glaring absence of a strategy to coordinate and secure the enormous energy resources of the Western hemisphere. Today, America is over-dependent on the increasingly volatile Middle…

New Capabilities, New Constraints Call For New Concepts of Operation

2013-01-09 by Lt. General (Retired) David Deptula Whatever happens with sequestration, Pentagon planners are now struggling to fit the services’ myriad programs under a reduced budget topline. Advocates point to their particular project or personnel as vital to US warfighting capacity.  Technologists point to new capabilities that will allow us…

Preparing for an Arctic Future: General Jacoby Looks at the Challenges

[slidepress gallery='general-jacoby'] 2013-01-02 Arctic warming is creating a new Arctic environment and with it a new strategic situation. Changes are coming over time, but the strategic trajectories are very clear. New transportation routes, new resources, new security challenges and new defense dynamics are inevitable. And very little of this is at…