2012-12-23 by Richard Weitz Ballistic missile defenses (BMD) are an urgent acquisition and development capability for South Korea. North Korea’s Artillery Guidance Bureau controlling some 800 mobile ballistic missiles poses a direct threat to the country. South Korea’s independent system for intercepting short- to medium-range ballistic missile, consisting of Patriot PAC-3…
2012-12-18 by Robbin Laird If the US fails to innovate in its re-shaping of its forces in the Pacific, it will be difficult to be effective and to play the crucial lynchpin role which is essential to an allied focused strategy. It will also lead the US to not protect its…
2012-12-17 By Murielle Delaporte The same way preserving minimum strategic stocks and oil reserves nationwide was one of the numerous Cold War challenges in the West, establishing a minimum guard against the 21st century threat, i.e. cyber vulnerability, is on its way to becoming conventional wisdom as an unavoidable security requirement.…
2012-12-15 By Richard Weitz North Korea’s successful December 13 satellite launch surprised many observers by the rapidity of its progress, repeating the unpleasant surprise in 1998, when the DPRK first sought to launch a long-run missile. What is remarkable is how well this launch performed compared to the spectacular failure…
2012-12-15 The Marines having working on shaping ways to provide energy at the "tip of the spear" which can tap new and innovative methods. Recently, Marines from Combat Logistics Regiment-15 installed several Ground Renewable Expeditionary Energy Network Systems [GREENS] at several locations throughout Regional Command (Southwest) to improve the communications reliability of…
The recent interview with the NORTHCOM/NORAD Commander has highlighted the importance of evolving capabilities for Arctic Operations. He has signed recent agreements as well with the Canadians to this effect as well. http://defense.aol.com/2012/12/14/america-allies-and-the-arctic-northcom-commander-talks-polar-st/ https://sldinfo.com/u-s-canada-expand-arctic-cooperation-military-training/ But how capable is the US Navy today to contribute to this effort? Not very according…
By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, Dec. 11, 2012 – The United States and Canada entered into two new agreements today that expanded their security relationship by promoting closer cooperation in peacefully opening the Arctic and in expanding their bilateral military training and exercise program. Army Gen. Charles…
2012-12-12 In the first piece from our interview with Col. Michael Orr, VMX-22 squadron commander, we focused on the co-location of the F-35 squadrons, MAWTS and VMX-22 and its impact on innovation. In this second part, Col. Orr discusses some of the consequences of having such a process in place.…