Building Blocks on the USS Ford: Reshaping the Flight Deck and Ops Tempo

By Robbin Laird In the last article on the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), I looked at one key building block which enhances both the ops tempo of the strike package on the USS Gerald R. Ford as well the flexibility of the weapons packages which can be moved…

Unmanned Air Systems and the USMC: A MAWTS-1 Perspective

By Robbin Laird Two years ago, I published a chapter on the USMC’s recent experience with unmanned air systems in the book edited by John Jackson, entitled, One Nation Under Drones. I focused on the substantial experience they have accumulated with Scan Eagle and then with the Blackjack system. The…

HMAS Hobart and the Regional Presence Deployment 2020

Recently, the Australian Aegis combat ship, the HMAS Hobart, returned from its engagement in the Regional Presence Deployment 2020, This Australian Department of Defence video highlights the engagement of the ship in the deployment. This year, one of Australia’s most advanced warships is leading the Royal Australian Navy’s largest and…

The Integratable Air Wing and Re-imaging the Large Deck Carrier: The Coming of the USS Ford

By Robbin Laird On Friday, October 9, 2020, I had a chance to visit the USS Ford and to get an update on the progress of this formidable warship. Earlier, Ed Timperlake and I have visited the USS Ford in 2015 and discussed the next generation large deck carrier with…

Weapons, Crisis Management and the High-End Fight: Perspectives from NAWDC

By Robbin Laird As the fleet re-works blue water maneuver warfare and expeditionary operations from the sea, a key element of the effort is shaping an effective weaponization approach and strategy. Doing so is a work in progress and a major challenge for the United States and its allies. During…

Reshaping Combat Architecture and Training: An Evolving Dynamic

By Robbin Laird With the shift from the land wars to rebuilding U.S. forces for contested operations with peer competitors, the role of training is changing significantly. There clearly was innovation during the land wars, but the geographical battlespace was well known, and air and maritime power could operate with…

Training for Electronic Warfare in the High-End Fight

By Robbin Laird During my visit to NAWDC in July 2020, I had the chance to continue my discussion on the evolution of electronic warfare with Captain Brett Stevenson, the CO of HAVOIC. During the earlier teleconference, we discussed a number of issues, most notably that being able to operate…