The CH-53K Progressing on Pace: The Perspective from HMH-461, MCAS New River

By Robbin Laird During my recent visit to 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, I visited Marine Corps Air Station New River and had a chance to meet with two members involved from the outset in HMH-461 standing up the CH-53K. I first visited New River in 2010, where the focus was…

EABO and Reworking Aviation Ground Support: The View from 2nd Marine Wing

By Robbin Laird As the Marines rework how they approach distributed operations, a key focus is upon how to shape what they call Expeditionary Advanced Operations or EABO. This requires reworking how the air and ground elements operate together to shape a more effective distributed force with reduced force signature…

The Strategic Shift and the Role of the Heavy Lift Helicopter in the USMC

By Robbin Laird My recent discussions with LtGen Heckl and visits to MAWTS-1 have both reinforced the nature of the USMC and its role within the overall strategic shift the U.S. military is undergoing. The U.S. military is being reshaped to enhance its survival and lethality through an enhanced ability…

The Marines and the ADF Work Interchangeability

In an article by Cpl. Nicholas Johnson, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, published on July 6, 2024, interchangeability between the RAAF and the USMC was emphasized as follows: In a demonstration of the ever-increasing interchangeability between U.S. Marine Corps and Royal Australian Air Force aviation, two F-35B Lightning II pilots with…

Royal Australian Navy Explores Autonomy and Optional Crewing: Eyes LUSV as Potential LOSV Solution

By Gregor Ferguson The Australian Department of Defence’s response to the Royal Australian Navy surface fleet review, Enhanced Lethality Surface Combatant Fleet, published in February, announced the RAN would field six Large Optionally Manned Surface Vessels (LOSVs) from the 2030s to carry missile launch systems. Interestingly, the RAN program closely…