A Key Element for the Future Evolution of the Integrated Distributed Force: Evolving Remote Maritime Capabilities

By Robbin Laird In today’s world, full spectrum crisis management is not simply about escalation ladders; it is about the capability to operate tailored task forces within a crisis setting to dominate and prevail within that crisis. If that stops the level of escalation that is one way of looking…

Looking Back at the COIN-Oriented US Military Transformation

By Robbin Laird In my lifetime, the U.S. military has gone through three major phases of development. The first was the shaping of the force in the 1980s to deal with the Soviet threat to Europe and encompassed air-land battle. Hardwired networking was introduced and working ways to integrate forces…

The Australian Approach to Developing and Deploying Remotes Systems in the Maritime Environment: The Perspective of Cmdr. Paul Hornsby

By Robbin Laird Recently, I attended the Chief of the Royal Australian Navy’s Seapower conference being held in Sydney from October 8th through the 10th, 2019. One of the sessions which I attended was a presentation by Cmdr. Paul Hornsby, Royal Australian Navy lead on autonomous warfare systems. The presentation…

In the Footsteps of Admiral Nimitz: VADM Miller and His Team Focused on 21st Century “Training”

By Robbin Laird As Admiral Nimitz confronted the last century’s challenges in the Pacific, he concluded a core lesson for this century’s Pacific warriors: “Having confronted the Imperial Japanese Navy’s skill, energy, persistence, and courage, Nimitz identified the key to victory: ‘training, TRAINING and M-O-R-E  T-R-A-I-N-I-N-G.’ as quoted in Neptunes’s…

The Requirements of Fifth Generation Manoeuvre: October 24, 2019 Williams Foundation Seminar

On October 24, 2019, the Williams Foundation will host its next seminar on building an integrated fifth generation force. This seminar will be held in the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra from 0800 through 1530. Since 2013 the Sir Richard Williams Foundation seminars have focused on building an integrated…

Royal Australian Navy’s Largest Deployment of 2019

By Lieutenant Ryan Zerbe 26 September 2019 The Royal Australian Navy has begun its biggest deployment of the year, with more than a thousand sailors and officers bound for engagements across North- and South-East Asia. Departing today from Sydney, the lead element of a nine-ship task group will participate in…

The Coming of Triton to the Allied Global Maritime Domain Awareness Enterprise: The RAAF Case

The Triton unmanned system is a key building block for 21st century maritime operations. In effect, the Triton provides capabilities similar to a low-earth orbiting system which can serve directly the maritime task force commander. Indeed, a key dimension of the coming of Triton is to ensure that intelligence communities…