Looking Back at the Formation of MAWTS-1 and Shaping a Way Ahead

By Robbin Laird I had a chance to talk with LtCol Howard DeCastro, the first CO of MAWTS-1 and LtGen Barry Knutson, the eighth commander of MAWTS-1, the day before the change of command ceremony at MAWTS-1. We talked about the approach of MAWTS-1 from the beginning and the importance…

Attending the MAWTS-1 Change of Command Ceremony, May 3, 2024

After returning to the United States from Australia on April 25, 2024, I buckled up again for a flight to Yuma, Arizona to have the privilege of witnessing the MAWTS-1 change of command ceremony. In the process of finishing up our forthcoming book on MAWTS-1, this seemed a good way…

How to Build a Focused Force for Australia’s Extant Strategic Environment?

By Robbin Laird Although the Australian Defence Strategic Review and the recent Surface Fleet Review indicated that the threat environment was deteriorating in the here and now, the major investments are being made for a force that will not arrive for a decade. How then to enhance the ADF in…

The Future is Now for the ADF: Shaping Space for Maritime Autonomous Systems

During my current visit to Australia, both at the 11 April Williams Foundation Seminar and in my interviews and discussions, there is a clear concern for ramping up ADF capabilities now. In addition to any longer term additive capabilities, it is crucial in the evolving strategic context to find ways…

The US Navy Adds to its Kill Web Capability: The Triton Comes to Italy

By Robbin Laird The Triton is a key member of the Navy, joint and allied forces shaping a kill web maritime force. It is so important in my view for the maritime forces that I put a graphic highlighting the Triton coming to the Royal Australian Air Force. Yes RAAF!…

EABOs, the U.S. Navy and Reshaping Combat Clusters for Insertion of Effective Force

The Marines are building new capabilities for force insertion which complement more traditional ways of operating. How do you insert force in various locations to hit the enemy where he isn’t? The basic concept of "hit where the enemy isn't" was well articulated in an interview, I did with the…

The Launch Point: Why a Combined Arms Operation with Maritime Autonomous Systems?

By Robbin Laird In my last article, I highlighted a third way one can discuss autonomous systems working with manned air systems. This third way would focus upon crafting combat clusters which work in a combined arms operation involving a manned air system with autonomous maritime systems especially working as…