RAMSTEIN, Germany The two months long Exercise Baltic Protector culminated recently in Estonia. Royal Air Force Typhoon aircraft based at Ämari Air Base, Estonia as part of NATO’s Baltic Air Policing mission, conducted a series of flights over participating maritime assets, HMS Albion and HMS Kent. The exercise tests the Joint Expeditionary Force’s…
The Marines are working to shape a more effective and integrated force. An example is their work on the integration of HIMARS with the F-35. Currently in Australia, the Marines and US Army have brought HIMARS to Australia as part of this years TS-19 exercise. According to a story by…
In these photos, MV-22B Osprey aircraft are seen flying over the Rockhampton Showground pavilion as a display put on for the Rockhampton Open Day as part of Talisman Sabre 2019. [maxgallery id="126030"] Talisman Sabre 2019 (TS19) is a bilateral combined Australian and United States (US) training activity. TS19 is designed…
Talisman Sabre 19 (TS19) is a bilateral combined Australian and United States (US) training activity. TS19 is designed to practice our respective military services and associated agencies in planning and conducting Combined and Joint Task Force operations, and improve the combat readiness and interoperability between Australian and US forces. [maxgallery…
By Damien Hare The popular perception of bombing in World War II is of inaccuracy and indiscriminate destruction. Despite early intentions to conduct precision raids in Europe, both the Royal Air Force (RAF) and the United States Army Air Forces found that limitations of technology, training and the elements severely…
By George Galdorisi Occurring less than six months after the publication of the U.S. Navy’s latest strategic document, Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority Version 2.0 (Design 2.0), the recent Navy League SeaAirSpace Symposium and Global Maritime Exposition had a strong focus on the document’s three Lines of Efforts (LOE) (Blue: Strengthen…
By Max Blenkin Israel is a nation under constant threat, and has developed very advanced defensive capabilities including an air and missile defence (IAMD) system and that could be of relevance to Australia. At the lowest level is Iron Dome, a mobile Counter Rocket and Mortar (C-RAM) system, the development…
The RAAF has recently participated in the US Exercise Shaken Fury According to an Australian Department of Defence story published on June 18, 2019: A LIFT from a RAAF C-17A Globemaster has allowed an Australian urban search-and-rescue (USAR) task force to exercise with international peers in the United States. Departing…