Grim Reapers Onboard the USS Abraham Lincoln

2017-09-13 USS Abraham Lincoln, the first US Navy aircraft carrier capable of accommodating the F-35C Lightning II, welcomed the fifth-generation jet fighter on board earlier this month. The “Grim Reapers” of Strike Fighter Squadron 101 (VFA 101), the training squadron for the F-35C, joined the USS Abraham Lincoln while underway on…

Shaping a Way Ahead to Prepare for 21st Century Conflicts: Payload-Utility Capabilities and the Kill Web

2017-09-03  by Ed Timperlake This article argues that payload utility can be a driver for understanding the future development of combat systems. To understand Pu with full honor to John Boyd, it can be noted that Observe/Orient (OO) is essentially target acquisition, and Decide/Act (DA) is target engagement. Thus there…

The Maritime Services, the Allies and Shaping the Kill Web

2017-09-06 The US and allied militaries are working a significant military transformation. This transformation is being driven in part by the shift from engaging in slo mo war to preparing for high intensity and high tempo operations. In many ways, the two key regions where this transformation is being ramped…

Plan Jericho in Action: RAAF C-130J Hercules Sat Trials

09/10/2017: From June to December 2017, Air Force is trialling the use of a Ka-Band Satellite Communication (SATCOM) antenna and suite on board a C-130J Hercules transport aircraft. This SATCOM system provides greater bandwidth than previous systems fitted to the RAAF’s Hercules fleet, and allows live-streaming and transfer of large files…

Shaping a Way Ahead with Electronic Warfare Capabilities: Key Presentations at the Williams Foundation Seminar on EW

2017-09-07 By Robbin Laird On August 23, 2017, the Williams Foundation held a seminar on the future of electronic warfare. With the introduction of the Growler, this has provided a natural hook into the broader discussion of the evolving payloads, which need to be part of an integrated 21st century combat…

From Red Flag to the Real World: Marine Corps F-35Bs Integrated with USAF Strategic Bombers in Deterrent Deployment

2017-08-31 It is difficult to miss the ramping up of tensions caused by North Korean missile launches and nuclear progress. We have argued for some time that the command structure for US forces in Korea should be given to the USAF for it is an ADA, USAF, and USN capability team…