2017-05-10 By Danny Lam DPRK’s track record and motives over decades affirm that deterrence (or sanctions) as usual will not work. The modus operadi of extortion (now with Weapons of Mass Destruction) is a feature of the Kim Dynasty and represent a fundamental departure from every previous regime that sought…
05/11/2017: The Navy (All Hands Magazine) and U.S. Marine Corps team officially wrapped up the Ship-to-Shore Maneuver Exploration and Experimentation Advanced Naval Technology Exercise 2017 this month at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. Marines and sailors field-tested more than 50 new technologies, everything from swarming unmanned surface vessels to self-driving…
2017-05-05 By Todd Miller I had a chance to fly with Red Air during Atlantic Trident 2017. The key Red Air platform was the F-15, and the strike eagle has a long and distinguished combat history. As Kyle Mizokami has noted about the Strike Eagle: For nearly three decades, the…
2017-05-04 The first trilateral exercise involving fifth generation aircraft with Typhoons and Rafales was held in December 2015. In a piece published on the French Air Force website on December 16, 2015, a brief overview of the exercise was provided. According to General Creux: “the key challenge was to get our…
05/08/2017: If we had to fight tomorrow in a high intensity conflict the United States Air Force, Royal Air Force, and Armée de l'air would engage together. Atlantic Trident 17 provides the simulated battleground that prepares our air forces for high intensity combat. HAMPTON, VA, UNITED STATES:05.04.2017 Video by Senior Airman Enrique Barcelo, Airman 1st…
2017-05-02 By Robbin Laird During my most recent trip to Australia, the focus was upon how to shape an integrated ADF moving forward. During my interviews surrounding the Williams Foundation seminar on that theme, I have had the chance to talk to key decision makers in shaping a way ahead.…
2017-05-01 By Danny Lam The US Senate was briefed by Secretary Tillerson, and Mattis, and CJCS Gen. Joseph Dunford, and DNI Dan Coats in an hour long classified briefing last week. Since then, the silence from Senators and their surrogates have been deafening. Aside from general comments and a few…
2017-05-01 by Todd Miller Atlantic Trident ’17 brought together in type and capability the most advanced 21st century allied combat fighter force being flown today. The exercise held April 12 – 28 at Joint Base Langley-Eustice (JBLE) included a “Blue Air” force of USAF F-22 Raptors of the 1st Fighter…