First 1,000 Hour Flight F-35

2014-08-23 “Workhorse” Becomes First F-35 to Achieve 1,000 Flight Hours by Kenji Thuloweit 412th Test Wing Public Affairs 6/18/14 Edwards Air Force Base AF-2, the second production F-35 Lightning II for the U.S. Air Force, became the first F-35 to reach 1,000 flight hours. Paul Hattendorf, Lockheed Martin test pilot,…

Working the Tactics and Training of F-35Bs with VMFA-121: The Perspective of Maj Roger “HASMAT” Greenwood

2014-08-10 By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake Major Greenwood is one of the two MAWTS-1 officers involved with the F-35 and standing up the initial division within MAWTS to develop tactics and implement training for the new platform in order to integrate it into the MAGTF. The other is Major…

Visiting the F-35 Squadron at Yuma Air Station: The Executive Officer of VMF121 Provides an Update

2014-08-06 By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake Last Fall we had the chance to meet with pilots and maintainers at Eglin Air Force Base along with Secretary Michael Wynne. In addition to talking with Lt. Col. “Chip” Berke about his F-22 and F-35 experiences, we had a chance to talk…

The RAAF and the F-35: Air Marshall Brown Discusses the Way Ahead

2014-07-29 by Robbin Laird On July 24, 2014, the first two Australian F-35s were on display and an official ceremony held to mark the event. Two visitors to the event highlighted its importance and provided context. The first was Frank Kendall, U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology &…

Expeditionary Logistics: Putting the F-35 Effort Into a Global Context

2014-07-23 It is clear from much of the policy discussion surrounding the F-35 that it is difficult for folks to wrap their minds around what a global support structure might look like. What also makes the discussion difficult is to understand what a F-35 fleet deployed on national territories, on…