The Skipper Discusses the USS America: Shaping an Innovative Path to 21st Century Operations

2014-06-20 On June 12, 2014, Second Line of Defense visited the USS America at the Ingalls Huntington shipyard in Pascagoula Mississippi. The ship is to leave mid July for its initial homeport of San Diego and will travel around South America and visit along the way. In addition to VIP…

Admiral Manazir on the Impact of Global Partnerships for Deterrence in Depth

2014-06-2 In a recent interview with the well-known China expert and Forbes columnist, Gordon Chang, Rear Admiral Manazir, the head of naval warfare,  highlighted the importance of global partnerships to meet the challenges the military and security challenges facing the US in the 21st century. As Chang put the basic…

Shaping 21st Century Operational Capabilities: Enabling the Assault Force with Dynamic Situational Awareness

2014-06-21 In a recent presentation at the Air Force Association, Col. Michael Orr, the CO of VMX-22, provided a look at how the USMC is shaping its combat cloud approach for the MAGTF. At the heart of the approach is working the following challenge: “We are working to push increased…

F-35 Testing Update, May 2014

2014-05-31 According to a story published on Aerospace Manufacturing and Design, the F-35 has achieved three major flight test milestones on the same day. Edwards Air Force Base, California, and Naval Air Systems Command, Maryland – In three separate flight tests on May 27, 2014, Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II aircraft demonstrated air-to-air…

Air Combat Operations 2025 and Beyond: The Williams Foundation Seminar

2014-05-14 In March 2014, the Sir Richard Willliams Foundation held a one-day seminar examining the future of air combat. Senior RAAF personnel, MOD personnel, two USMC aviators and the head of the Joint Strike Fighter program were among the presenters. The report addressed the overall impact of fifth generation aircraft…

The Return of Russia and the Challenge to European Defense: The Italian Contribution

2014-05-14 By Robbin Laird Since the reunification of Germany and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the defense of Europe has been largely a politically managed affair.  The business at hand was shoring up the European Union and NATO arrangements to deal with the new situation, and to expand East as…