CH-53s: The New Generation

2016-06-06 A look at the new CH-53K is provided in a set of interviews with the USMC. The article is based on interviews with: Colonel Paul Fortunato, Branch Head, Weapons Requirements (APW-1) Colonel Hank Vanderborght, Program Manager, PMA-261/H-53 Heavy Lift Helicopters Major Thomas Trimble, Heavy Lift Requirements (APW-51), Department of…

RAF’s Airbus Tanker at Pax River: Working with the F-35B

2016-05-21 The F-35 has already worked with the Aussie A330MRTT known as the KC-30A at Edwards. Now the RAF has flown its Voyager to Pax River to work with the F-35B as well. Both the F-35 and the KC-30A are being bought and operated by multiple allied air forces, and…

Shaping a Way Ahead for the F-35 in UK Defence: The Perspective of Air Commodore Harvey Smyth

2016-05-12 By Robbin Laird During my visit to the United Kingdom in May 2016, I had a chance to meet with Air Commodore Harvey Smyth and members of the RAF Lightning Force team. Air Commodore Smyth was the Tornado Force commander and has been involved with the F-35 program throughout…

The European Air Group and Typhoon Integration: Shaping a Way Ahead for More Effective Operational Impacts

2016-05-12 By Robbin Laird I returned to the European Air Group on April 27, 2016 to participate in their latest working group session of 4th/5th generation aircraft integration. Here the continued focus is upon how the coming of the F-35 is part of the reshaping of European airpower and enabling…