Preparing for the US Navy’s Transition from the C2 to the CMV-22B: Meeting the Challenge

By Robbin Laird On February 7, 2020, the US Navy officially received its first CMV-22B Osprey, the replacement for its venerable C-2 Greyhound aircraft. I attended the ceremony held at Amarillo, Texas and had a chance to talk with a number of the participants before and after the ceremony. Having…

The AH-1Z and Its Evolving Contribution to Marines in the Maritime Fight

By Robbin Laird My recent discussions with Major Thomas Duff and Mr. Michael Manifor, HQMC Aviation, APW-53, Attack and Utility Helicopter Coordinators, about the Viper maritime attack helicopter provided insights into how this asset is evolving as the MAGTF itself is being reshaped for its broader spectrum missions beyond the…

French Defense Industrial Re-Set as France Prepares to Re-Emerge from the Coronavirus Crisis

By Pierre Tran Paris - Dassault Aviation has resumed training flights for Indian pilots on the Rafale fighter jet, as the aircraft builder seeks to meet contract requirements despite the deadly spread of coronavirus. “At Merignac, the (conversion training center) activities started on Monday with a daily mission for two…

Reshaping China Strategy: Reconsidering the Role and Place of the Military Dimension

By Robbin Laird The Coronavirus crisis and its management by the liberal democracies is clearly and inflection point. Moving forward choices will be made shaping the decade ahead in terms of basic national strategies as well as with allies. A key aspect of shaping a way ahead clearly will be…

Platforms, Innovation and Integratability: The Case of the Osprey

By Robbin Laird In my series focusing on USMC and digital interoperability, the first piece focused on the interaction between platform innovation and integratability. With the evolution of the capabilities of the new combat platforms generated through Marine Corps aviation, the ability of the Marines to operate in an integrated,…

Crises Learning: The Australian Case

By Michael Shoebridge Australian governments at all levels have learned a lot between the onset of the bushfire season and the first stages of the novel coronavirus pandemic. There’s a clear understanding that national crises require coherent national responses. And that the seams between and among the Commonwealth and the…

The Charles De Gaulle Returns Home Early: Managing the Coronavirus Impact

By Pierre Tran Paris - The Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier and its frigate escort were due to arrive at Toulon on April 12, a return to base earlier than expected due to the coronavirus hitting 50 sailors on the capital warship. “The Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier and its…

Algeria Modernizes its Air Force: Upgrading its SU-24s

by defenceWeb The Algerian Air Force is overhauling and upgrading its Su-24 strike aircraft fleet, with the first six at the 514 Aviation Repair Plant in Russia. Photographs show six Algerian Air Force Su-24MK/MK2 Fencer aircraft being overhauled at the 514 Aviation Repair Plant near Rzhev in Russia, Scramble Magazine…