An Update on Wedgetail: And Shaping a Way Ahead with a Software Upgradeable Multi-Mission 21st Century Combat Capability

2017-08-23 By Robbin Laird During my current visit to Canberra in August 2017, I was able to continue my discussion with Officer Commanding No 42 Wing, Group Captain Stuart Bellingham about the Wedgetail and its evolution. After the recent presentation by the head of the USAF Materiel Command underscored the…

The Chinese Challenge WITHIN Australia

2017-08-29 The PRC is not simply playing classic global power politics. They are working within key allied nations, including key ones like Australia and the United States, to achieve their power ambilitions. In an interview earlier this month, Ross Babbage, the Australian strategist discussed the challenge as follows: We then…

Israel Purchases Additional F-35s

2017-08-29 According to an article written by Yoav Zitun and published on Ynet News on August 27, 2017, Israel has purchased an additional 17 F-35s, bringing the total now to 50 fifth generation fighters for the IDF. According to the contract, the planes' delivery will be completed by December 2024. "This…

The Way Ahead for the RAAF in an Integrated Defense Force: The Perspective of the New Air Commander Australia, Air Vice-Marshal Zed Roberton

2017-08-21 By Robbin Laird During the current visit to Australia, I had a chance to talk with the newly appointed Air Commander Australia, Air Vice-Marshal Zed Roberton. I have had the chance to talk with him before so this meeting was more in the mode of continuing the conversation and…