The US Navy Works Directed Energy Weapons

2017-07-17 In the United States, the US Navy is the cutting edge service with regard to developing and deploying directed energy weapons technology. In part this is because ships have enough power to generate the energy necessary to operate current and next generation DE technologies. A laser has been deployed…

RAAF Amberley in Support of Talisman Saber 2017

2017-07-22 Second Line of Defense has visited RAAF Amberley several times and has published several interviews of RAAF personnel operating from the base. This includes the KC-30A and C-17 as well Super Hornet and now the Growler leadership. During the last visit, we interviewed Group Captain Braz about the coming…

USCGC Healy Prepares for Arctic Deployment

2017-07-20 The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Healy, a 420-foot Medium Icebreaker homeported in Seattle, conducts a shakedown cruise around the Puget Sound, May 22, 2017. As part of Healy's preparations for their Arctic West Summer 2017 deployment, they conducted flight operations with an aircrew from Coast Guard Sector Field…

Working the Challenge of Software for a 21st Century Combat Force

2017-07-19  San Diego, CA Mr. Ritesh Patel discusses the new approach to developing, testing, integrating and deploying software systems for the Navy while working at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific (SSC Pacific). SSC Pacific is accelerating warfighter advantage through science, engineering and discovery. SAN DIEGO, CA, UNITED STATES 07.05.2017…

Saber Strike 17

2017-07-19  About 11,000 U.S. and NATO service members from 20 countries took part in the 2017 Saber Strike exercise. The exercise took place in various regions in the Baltics and Poland from May 28-June 24. Saber Strike 17 is a long-standing Joint Chiefs of Staff-directed, U.S. European Command-scheduled, U.S. Army…