IT Supply Chain Vulnerabilities from China

2017-06-16 By Danny Lam East Asia has played a role in the US / World microelectronics supply chain since the end of WWII, beginning with production of equipment for the U.S. forces occupying Japan, later assembly operations in places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and when PRC…

Indian Navy Visits Capetown

2017-06-22 by Dean Wingrin, defenceWeb In the final stages of a three-and-a-half month, two ocean goodwill and naval exercise mission, Indian Naval Ship (INS) Tarkash arrived in Table Bay Harbour, Cape Town, on Wednesday morning. The relationship between India and South Africa dates back two centuries, with three Indian Navy ships…

The Paris Airshow, June 20, 2017

2017-06-20  In the slideshow for today’s activities at the Paris Air Show, we have several photos provided by ParisAirShow.TV. Featured here are the the Rafale, the F-35, the A-380, the A-400M, and the MBDA chalet. [maxgallery id="98141"] And the video below provides an overview on the flying display for the…

Arctic Challenge Exercise 2017 (2)

06/20/2017: Arctic Challenge is a multinational training exercise to strengthen partnerships with other armed forces in the region. The purpose of the exercise is to practice mobilizing; evaluate aircraft, personnel and weapons capabilities; and train in multinational operations. The scenarios involve notional, simulated events, and combined flying operations between the countries.


NATO Enhances its Collective Defense Capabilities

06/19/2017: According to an article on the Italian Ministry of Defence website published on June 14, 2017, Szczecin Multinational Corps North-East Has Achieved NATO Full Operational Capability. NATO can now rely on a new High Readiness Headquarters In fact, having achieved Full Operational Capability as a result of a tactical assessment,…

Arctic Challenge Exercise 2017

06/19/2017: Arctic Challenge is a multinational training exercise to strengthen partnerships with other armed forces in the Northern European region. The purpose of the exercise is to practice mobilizing; evaluate aircraft, personnel and weapons capabilities; and train in multinational operations. The scenarios involve notional, simulated events, and combined flying operations between…