2017-04-11 By Robbin Laird During my latest visit to Australia, I had a chance to discuss the way ahead for the KC-30A with the two senior operators involved with the program and its evolving capability. We met at Amberley Airbase where the KC-30As and C-17s are based. Air Commodore Richard…
2017-04-16 By Robbin Laird During my current visit to Australia, I had a chance to meet with Major General (Retired) Jim Molan. He is a frequent commentator in the press and on the media generally defense issues and given the significant dynamics of change in Asia and the coming of…
2017-04-16 According to our partner defenceWeb, the US government will approve the sale of Super Tucano to Nigeria. US lawmakers are expected to approve the sale of Super Tucano light attack and trainer aircraft to Nigeria in the coming weeks. Former President Barack Obama's administration originally agreed on the sale,…
2017-04-10 By Robbin Laird During my visit to Amberley Airbase on April 3, 2017, I had a chance to discuss the work of the Air Warfare Center and of new training programs in the Air Combat Group to shape a more effective fighting force. I have talked with Air Commodore…
2017-04-07 By Robbin Laird During my visit to Amberley Airbase in Australia, I had a chance to talk with the 82nd Wing Commander, Group Captain Braz on April 3, 2017. The Wing had been reorganized to include both Super Hornets and Growlers as the RAAF prepares for the fifth generation…
2017-04-08 By Danny Lam The top diplomats of both countries scripted the meeting between President Trump and Xi in order to avoid seemingly obvious problems that would obviously embarrass President Xi. They wanted to avoid previous incidents such as when Fanlungong disrupted a press conference with President Hu Jintao and…
2017-04-07 By Robbin Laird During my visit to Australia in April 2017, I had a chance to continue my discussions with Group Captain Stuart Bellingham, Officer Commanding Number 42 Wing, about the Wedgetail and its continuing evolution. The Wedgetail has demonstrated in the Middle East and in high end warfare…
2017-04-07 By Richard Weitz The US decision to launch a limited cruise missile strike against a Syrian government air base near the city of Homs looks to be a sensible move given limited US leverage and interests in a battlefield that Americans do not want to join in force. The…